Chapter 24: I've been thinking about you

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Becky's POV

For the past two weeks, I've been so busy with my work as the team tried to push the released date earlier, which means non-stop shootings. When I get my break time, once in a while, I uploaded a picture of myself to update my fans.

But there's one person who never failed to like every photo that I published and because of that, she never stopped running through my mind and I keep on getting butterflies. I guess that her action motivates me to take a picture often and update it on my social media even though I'm not active before.

Every time I saw my notifications, her name will always be there, mentioning she liked my picture. Maybe I expected something from her as if I am waiting for her to say something or invite me on another 'hangout' again.

When she's not responsive, I guess there's nothing much I can do but initiate the conversation myself. I texted her, "So...when are we going to meet again :)"

As I control my excitation, I continued working until midnight. However, after I went home and checked my phone, there was no sound coming from her. But, I still waited patiently because she might be busy with her work.


Two days later, there was still no reply from her. This is so rare of her to not text me back and suddenly I feel like there's something wrong with her. Feeling uneased, I called Toey about Freen's whereabouts, but she also said that it's been a while since she's heard from her.

I tried not to overthink, but my heart says otherwise. "Hmmm, should I go to her house?" I questioned myself.

One second later, I decided to go to Freen's house because I can't stay still and be chill when I don't know if she was okay or not.

So, right after I reached her home, I immediately bell on the gate. As I tried my way to see if anyone was at home, someone came towards my direction and open the gate. When I saw the person clearly, I realised that it was Freen's mother.

Looking beautiful just like Freen, she greeted me with a smile, "Ah, I remembered you! You're Freen's friend that visited me not too long ago right?"

"Ah yes, Mrs Chankimha...I am here to see Freen..." I was a little shy to meet my idol while knowing that she was also the mother of my crush.

"Yeah! Becky, right? Nice to have you here...actually you're coming at perfect timing! I was actually about to go on groceries shopping. Is it okay if you take care of Freen for a moment?" She asked for a favour.

And when I heard that makes my concern over Freen became worse, "What's the matter with Freen, Mrs Chankimha?"

"Oh...She's having a cold at the moment but currently, she's doing fine. Just need to rest more and not stress so much on her life..." Her mother commented about Freen.

Right then, she came to a realisation over something that might cause the cold, "Now that I think about it...maybe it's from the night where she was soaked with rain because...she ran away from us—" She almost spoiled the tea but steadily hide it from me, "But anyway...can you help me with Freen?"

When I was lost in my thought questioning why Freen let herself stay in the rain, I feel the urge to go inside immediately. "Yeah sure...don't worry about it. I will take care of her with all my heart." I exclaimed to her.


When I went to her house, I remembered where her bedroom was and go straight to the room. And there she was lying on the bed, still sleeping soundly.

As for me, I tried not to disturb her, but I can't help to take a closer look at her face and sit beside her bed. While she's asleep, I caress her hair and observed her. Honestly, she's so beautiful upfront, just like her mother.

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