Chapter 13: Late night

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Becky's POV

I was now late at work because of my own mistakes and now it leaves both me and Freen alone at the company. Moreover, I forgot that I didn't bring my car today since I know the traffic is worst on Monday.

This is why I have to contact the taxi company and wait for 30 minutes while Freen was waiting quietly for me to leave. There's no doubt how tired she looked, but still not letting me wait outside alone.

But as we waited, she began to ask me, "are you not going to leave anytime soon?"

As if she didn't see me calling the taxi driver, she then offered me a ride because apparently, it was getting late already. And as much as I don't want to follow, I know that it's going to take a while for the taxi to arrive, so I willingly get into her sleek, yellow sports car.

While I start to navigate where I live, she asked if I am hungry just to make up for the no-conversation period. However, right before I am about to answer her, my stomach responded by growling loudly.

I have got to say I was embarrassed when she gave a light chuckle, indicating that she laughed because of my stomach. Then, she speaks, "I take it as a yes then..."

Also, I must say that after seeing her for a week, tonight was the first time I heard her laugh. It almost feels satisfying to watch her gummy smile on her, losing all my tension around her.

Later, she mentioned to me that she will bring me to this restaurant that has private rooms so I don't have to worry about someone invading my privacy. Honestly, I was impressed and thankful at how considerate she was in protecting my image.

So, I anticipate to know where the restaurant is located and questioned her, "where is it, exactly? I can go there for my go-to restaurant if I am still worried about the media."

Looking proud of what she was about to say next, she giggles again and said, "my house,"

"Huh?" I was confused and think too hard about her statement. "Your house has a restaurant?" I was trying to make sense of what she said.

And that's when she softly pinched my cheeks, making me blush so hard that even the redness reached to my ears. However, as soon as she realised what she did, she immediately retreated and explained to me seriously, "Well, I considered my kitchen as my personal restaurant. Why do you sound so shocked? You don't want to go to my house, is it..."

When she began to look dismayed, I justified myself, "No, Freen..." Except for the fact that she didn't know that I was shocked because there's a chance that she's living with her parents, which also means that my favourite actress will be there and I am going to meet her.

Due to my inner fangirling moment, I curiously interrogated her, "are you living with your parents?"

"No...why?" She answered but when she looked at my reaction, she take it the wrong way and asked if I am scared of her. 

Again, I have to clarify and replied to her that I am just curious. But then, she's adding the anticipation when she told me they lived next to her house.

As my undercover fangirl began to unfold, I exclaimed excitingly, "Really!!"

Taking a good look at my expression, she then asked me with a serious tone, "why are you so excited about my parents?"

As clueless as I can be, I bluntly mentioned that I am a big fan of her mom as a fellow actress. Consequently, she addressed my interest in her mom, " you know about my mom..."

She began to look down as if my statement makes her sad. But, I reassured her that I don't have any ill intentions and said, "I am sorry... I didn't mean to be invasive around your family.. umm... you know what...maybe I should go home."

"It's okay... I get used to it... I am always the middle person when it comes to my mom.. everyone trying to be close to me because I am her daughter." Freen admits in a sad tone.

From then on, I become guilty because that's why I am eager to enter this company in the first place...because I wanted to meet her mother. Feeling sorry, I sincerely apologized to her, "I am sorry Freen...I will not talk about your mom ever again in front of you..."

Yet, she regained back from her sad mood and voiced, "it's fine...but are you really her fan? because my mom would love to hear that there is still someone who adores her as an artist even though she's retired from the industry already..."

"Oh, definitely!! All of her works are masterpieces and I even spent my money to attend every event she had before. Sadly, I didn't get the chance to take a selfie with her, even after following her for a long time from afar." I regretted it at that moment.

She then observed me for a while and think of a solution for my regretful action and suggest a brilliant idea, "If you're okay with it, I can bring you to my parent's house since it's only a doorstep away anyway,"

Feeling extra joyful, I shrieked, "Really!! Thank you, Freen!" And because of that, I unknowingly hugged her tightly, making her tap my back because of how tightly I embraced her.


Freen's POV

I am happy now that she's finally smiling after a week of no happiness at my office.

Author's notes:

For clarification, Freen's POV was short because, in her mind, that was her only objective for the whole week after knowing Becky—to make her happy😏😌

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