Chapter 9: Support system

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Becky's POV

Three months later after the misinformation incidents about myself, Saint slowly brought up about my upcoming work because I need to start making a living, knowing that acting is my only source of income. However, I don't know if I am ready to act yet, especially when my mind is unstable to properly do my job.

Thankfully, Saint noticed my mental health diminishing and offered that I seek psychotherapy. Although it takes time to fully recover, I gradually got my closure as I was soon accepted by my ex-girlfriend's death.

Aside from missing her more, I tried to gather the courage to restart my life with a brighter beginning, in hope that I will be emotionally fine again.

However, no matter what I do, I keep on getting one step forward and three steps back. And the only people who help me go through this misery are the people surrounding me, which include Saint, Davika, Toey and my fans who are still rooting for me despite the countless bad rumours.

For Davika, she approached me and tell me to rest more so I don't get overwhelmed with the blame that was accused of me. Just like that, I followed her advice to improve myself first before I start to work.


Six months later

After taking a break for almost half a year, I've finally stood up for myself and am ready to begin my gig again. I must say that my break helps me to become stronger and accept my feelings so I won't blame myself for the death of Orn.

It was a big step for me and to get rid of my fear slowly, I attempted to do what I love the most, which is acting. And for the first time, I play a supporting role in a series called, Gap The Series although I get offered to play the main character, I disregard it because I want to keep the media's attention on the low.  My role in the series was to act as an intern who wants to get experience as a personal assistant for her boss.

Surprisingly, throughout the press conference of the Gap The Series,  I found out that Dav was my replacement when I rejected the main role of the series. Knowing that was the case, I couldn't help but feel proud and happy for her cause she deserved the attention.

As her friend, I supported her during the series premiere and congratulate her. Obviously, she's happy about her success, since this is going to be her first time playing a big role.

But not until the media invasively stir the attention from Dav to me because of my past controversies. Because of that, the vibe suddenly became dark and I have no way to escape the reporters' questions.

If I answer all the questions during my lowest, I would've probably broken down already with tears. Then again, I've gained the courage to fight back and be as clear as possible so there won't be misinterpretations from the media, knowing how they could twist what I said in a different light.

Fortunately, everyone cleared out about my relationship with Orn and even want to lend a hand in finding the culprit who causes the death of one of the greatest actresses.

Within an hour after my interview, the public sympathise with my loss and give me all the love they could. As a result, Gap the Series become a hot issue in front of all social platforms and my fans become supportive of my acting again.

After the press conference, I came backstage and was soon greeted by Toey who came to support my first comeback after Orn's incident. She instantly gives me a big hug with a massive flower bouquet crushing in between us.

"Becky!!! I am so proud of your bravery and I must say you look good, ma'am," She was thrilled by my return to the industry and hugged me once more.

Feeling thankful, I embraced Toey again because I very much need the support from my close ones and I never want to take the love I received from everyone for granted. "Thank you so much, Toey... I am very glad to have you in my life..." I was grateful to her.

At the same time, someone tapped my shoulder causing me to pause my action to hug Toey. When I looked back, I saw Dav who has a sour face, making me confused as to what is she angry for.

"What 's the matter, Dav?" I asked her, hinting that I am worried for her.

Looking restless, she dragged my arms and asked me to see her in private. So, I just followed in the restroom and talk. "What is it?" I questioned her again.

"Why did you do that?" She annoyed me as if I'd done something wrong.

"Did what...exactly? I don't understand..." I become bewildered

"You taking my attention! You are supposed to be my friend! You know that this was my first big role in the acting industry and now, nobody's taking an interest in me and my role!" Dav practically scolded me

Taking in what she said, I become timid and apologised to her right away. I didn't know that my action has hurt my friend in the process. But then she continued, "You should've not come in the first place..."

And when she went away, I felt my heart sinking, wondering if I am just a hindrance to everyone's life...

Author's notes:
Beck has been through a lot and now Dav making it hard for Beck to feel good for a second😭

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