Chapter 15: Holiday

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Becky's POV

At first, I was given a day off by Freen because of my finger incident. But now I have to take another two consecutive days as I will start having my workshop for the new series.

As an employee, I had to explain my situation to Freen since she was my boss, and thankfully she understood and kept her reply short.

"As long as you catch up with your work later, you should be fine..." She ended the call with a hint of sadness, making me question why.

While I was in a daze thinking about the reason, I touched and felt the bandage still wrapped around my finger. It bound up my wound perfectly, and the scar closed off, which I could tell was just about to heal anytime soon as long as I treated it with ointment.

Reminisce about what happened yesterday at the way Freen took good care of me, and drove me home makes me feel that she cared for me. Not to mention that she accompanied me all the way to my door, which was cute of her.

Let's just say that Freen's action caused me to smile involuntarily. I guess Toey speaks the truth about her best friend that she was indeed a kind boss and most of all, a good person with a caring heart.


In the meantime, I tried to mentally prepare for my workshop later and used my recent experience at Freen's company to construct my acting tips to bring off my real encounter into the series, which was to become an intern.

As excited as I feel as of this moment to be able to return to the scene and act again, I do still have that 1% where I have my worries that I won't be able to nail my role. What's more, I still haven't resolved my bad blood with my ex-friend, Dav, and I know it's not going to be fixed in the short run.

Brushing my negative thoughts off me, I did my best to think of something else and not stress myself out to solve it immediately. And as a thoughtful manager, Saint realised my situation right away and kept me company so I didn't get anxious. As a result, my nervousness gradually decreased.

Because of that, I could manage throughout the entire workshop and ended well with good feedback from the director.

"Becky! You nailed it! I heard that you even sacrificed your time and energy to work at one's company to understand the role that you're going to play. I admired that you took the initiative to work, and with that, I give you 200 out of 100!!" He proudly complimented me until I couldn't feel my gums.

Then again, I have to control my expression, especially when I am still in the same room as Dav, because from the time I've known her, if I am happy, she will act the opposite of what I am feeling. One of the reasons was that she hated that I received happiness like I didn't deserve to be happy after what I'd been through, and guess what...she behaved just like I predicted her to be.

I don't need to pretend anymore that I am trying to hide my smile because I earned satisfactory remarks from the director. The next thing, I decided to ignore her and was about to make my way out as the workshop had ended 5 minutes ago when everyone said thank you to me while carrying a food container and a Thai milk tea for every single staff and actor in the room.

Not knowing what was going on, I went outside the building and saw a luxury food truck for bubble tea and hundreds of food boxes lined too. Then, there was a message on the packaging of the box and the food truck that showed that it was from a no.1 Becky supporter.

"Woah..." I exclaimed, feeling extra loved today by the fact that I still have someone interested in my work. I took my time going through the food and drinks and asked Saint to upload my picture with the food support on my social media to show how grateful I am to my fans.


Freen's POV

I missed her so much, and I'm not going to see her for three days. "Ughh!! Why do I give her a day off... the company is so unalive without her presence. Plus, I have nothing to stare at now that she's not here." I was demotivated to even begin my work.

She's like my source of happiness...and the whole day, it got me thinking about my actual feeling for her and how powerful she has an effect on me over a short period. It's like my brain is filled with the thought of her only, and no one else could change that.

And when I caught her looking at me with those sparkling eyes, it made me feel so nice. Becky is adorable, but then I remembered that at the same time, she was going through a rough time despite her being able to smile at everyone.

However, there's another matter that I am dreading the most, and I wonder if she's going to leave the company after she got the working experience she wanted at the beginning. Because I know she's in my company temporarily since her main job was as an actress.

I wouldn't even dare to think about it thoroughly because I know I will become despair when what I am afraid of the most is about to become a reality.


2 hours later

Continuing with my work, I gave my extra focus on my computer until I freely called her name, "Becky...?" I used my intercom.

However, someone apart from her answered it instead, and now I get reminded for the second time that she's on her holiday. I forgot that she's still on leave, but I can't help but be curious about what she's doing right now.

"I just want to wish her the best... hmm..."I forced myself to think of something brilliant. Suddenly, my sexy brain just got a wonderful idea that could make Becky's day.

I voiced out my idea, "Maybe I should do something to support her work... like sending food support for her to her workplace."

As I set my mind on what kind of food support I would get, I remembered that she has been drinking Thai milk tea almost every day during her lunchtime.

"I guess I should order a milk tea food truck for her...and what else should I give her?" I think of other food options. Not knowing what to pick, I settled for the most expensive set ever cause she deserved it. Excitingly, I begin to plan out my secret mission and discreetly texted her where she held her workshop.

Me🐰: Becky...where are you right now?

Becky🐻: I am about to attend my workshop at the you need anything?

Me🐰: Oh...nothing...I was just wondering where your location is now because I think I'm going to need my sweater back.

I was amazed that I could find a reason for her to tell me her current location. And as expected, it works, and Becky told me the address of her workplace. But what surprised me the most was the fact that she brought my sweater with her even today...

Does that mean she liked—my sweater??

Author's notes:
I'm still working on this story, and I must admit it's hard to make a storyline without having a draft😭😭I have to reread every chapter☠️

Anyway happy reading!

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