Chapter 11: The interview

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Becky's POV

On the way to the interview, I felt restless and tried not to be nervous by chewing the straw of my drink. Looking stiff and uncomfortable, I finally arrived at the company.

Although this wasn't my first time having a job interview, I reminded how Toey mentioned that she didn't even let her friend knows that I applied for the internship to prevent biases, making me more nervous about how serious this was.

Regardless of how, I must say she's a good friend and I understand her intention of not wanting to take advantage of her friendship in order for me to get the position.

So, now the one who could decide my destiny is me. I need to remember that this is just temporary. Once I gained my experience here and I get to master all the skills required for my series, I will quit and focus back on my acting for my role.


While waiting in my queue for the interview, there were about 40 people in the hallway waiting for their names to be called. Out of 40, 5 of them recognised me, which makes me uncomfortable. So, I have to be hideous and use sunglasses and my cap temporarily before I entered the interview room.

Then, the current PA called my queue number and I am just grateful that she didn't call me by name or else people will notice that I am there.

As soon as I entered the room, I expected that only the HR people are going to interview me since I am only applying for an internship in this company.

But I know I am wrong when I saw that one person who is too fancy to be called an HR officer. The person is more likely the boss, especially when her fashion screams rich, rich and rich.

So, I come and ask if I could sit and just like that, the woman who I assumed is Toey's best friend treated me like a normal person without acknowledging my background in the entertainment industry.

The girl began introducing herself as Freen, the Ceo of this company and she began to ask me, "tell me about yourself?"

Without showing my nervousness, I described that I graduated with my law degree and my achievements so far in my life. After I finished talking, she looked me up and down, making me scared the hell out.

In my head, I kept thinking, "What is she thinking of me and why she looked so fierce?"

So, I continued narrating my story where I have no experience in this expertise until I was stopped by the CEO.

"Rebecca?" Freen called me out

"Yes ma'am," I replied innocently.

Unsure of my answer, she adressed another question, "Why are you applying for this internship? For what reason?"

Although I was prepared for this question, I don't know if I should be lying or what because I don't want to make a bad impression on her. Contemplating about what to say, she continued to say... "If you're going to apply at my company just for a short term, I suggest you not do it here. This is not the place where we do everything temporarily.. we have a long vision about our company's future..."

"I am sorry, ma'am. Isn't an internship supposed to be done in a short period only? Plus, I wanted to be in this position to gain some work experience. Rest assured, I always work my hardest and do not play around when it comes to my career. Despite not having any experience in this position, at least I am a quick learner and I trust myself that I could actually handle working in this position without any problem." I convinced as best as I could.

"Okay. For your information, once the company's intern completed their internship for a month, I will be the one to decide whether to take you in for a permanent position. I don't condone someone who is off to no benefit to us. With that being said, if you don't plan on having a long-term business relationship with us, I suggest there will be other companies who are willing to take you in. Do you have any questions for us?" She tried to end the interview in an instant.

"Am I screwed?" I asked myself.


Freen's POV

The last candidate for our annual internship program is Rebecca Armstrong. "Such a unique name..." I noticed.

With a good start, I scanned through her resume and came across something that catches my eye...her work experience. Judging from her information, I take that she's an actress, which makes her a bad candidate for this position and also for my company.

"Why is she applying for this company if she's an she doing this for fun? Urgghhh! I hate people from this industry, I really don't want to associate myself with anything that is related to the entertainment industry. After what my family had been through...I'm not going to ruin my life and career just because of someone." I thought to myself.

And when I believe that I already set my mind about it, a petite woman walked into the room, which causes me to stun for a second... I admit that I might've got too excited a little, but I recovered quickly and tried to control my expression.

Her eyes scanned the room with determination in search of someone in charge. When her eyes met mine, she gave me the gorgeous smile that can wash away all my worries about her being a celebrity. So beautiful...and when I catches a glimpse of her eyes, it was glowing like a star. I am not lying...

As much as I love to recruit this girl, I have to reject her with no questions asked because my rules in life were to not show any interest in these people. Who knows what they bring me? I am pretty sure there's a reason why she applied for another job, which I think is going to ruin my life if I ever going to involve in one.

After the interview, I talked with my current PA and let her decide who was going to be her next PA. As expected, we chose the first person who was interviewed by us because of her previous experience working as a PA.

But I could not help but think about the last candidate... Am I hard on her?

Author's notes

Freen really hates celebrities...I guess...or nah

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