Chapter 42: Love me

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Freen's POV

My body was overturned by Bec when she suddenly had the nerve to overpower me from the start. And I hate to admit I love it when Bec is on top of me. Not to mention her boobs were practically resting in front of me, making it hard for me to resist touching her greatest asset. 

She didn't have to do anything about it and kept it there, and I wouldn't complain. "...Because I've been longing for this for way too long..." I talked to myself.

With my left hand engulfing Bec's body, my other hand was still on her boob, finding its way to caress it so I could stop thinking about touching it. "...Because I miss her boobs...I miss her body...and I miss her, my baby so much..." I longed for the moment that I am in right now.

Slowly, my hand unclothes my girl and gets her out of those nasty clothes as it tries to cover my baby's precious body from me. "Prove it, that you miss me all this time..." Bec dared me. 

Though she was talking to me, all I could focus on was how her lips were moving, enticing me to kiss them. And trust me, I tried to resist her so that I didn't want to be seen as someone desperate. But...I am just a human being full of lust over my girlfriend. Plus, she's half-naked and I touched her breast! And her nipples were hard and felt amazing in my hand! 

So, I pulled her into an embrace that led to wild kissing and within a minute, we were completely out of our clothes. I kept kissing her passionately while still being able to straddle each other in the middle of the hospital room. Before Bec even realised what was happening, I nudged her thighs open with my knee to give me some access to her other lips down there. 

"Uhaa~" Bec went very sensitive when her centre was wide open.

Desperate to taste my girl, I slowly nudged at her entrance and took her legs to wrap around my body. "Let me drink you down all night, BB..." I heaved. 

When she nodded in silence, I began to indulge her like I hadn't eaten a meal in a while. I slammed my tongue inside her, making her gasp loudly. "Fre-een... slowly please..."

Hearing my girl trying not to make a noise, I thrust my fingers inside her even harder and before Bec even processing what I did to her, she was climaxing, "HAAAAH!"

Bec crashed on the bed as her breathing was out of control because of my action. Seeing her struggle to compose herself, I paused myself from doing anything and stared at her to admire my girlfriend's beauty after our little makeout session. 

Caressing her dishevelled, wet hair, I waited for her to calm down before I wanted to continue with our lovemaking. "I feel so happy, Bec...I wish we could be like this every day," I confessed.

"You want to make me lose my breath every day??" Bec was astonished by my statement.

Laughing at her reaction, I told her to just sleep because I could tell she was exhausted and that made me feel sorry for her. But not really...

Within five minutes, she's falling asleep and I can't help but adore her more. Afraid that she was going to get a cold, I left the bed to grab the clothes that were on the floor and put them on her. Just as I finished putting on her clothes, I went back to her side and stared at her for as long as I could.  

I hugged her closer to my heart because that's where she belonged and the moment when her face was too close to me, my lips found their way to smooch her lips many times. Mind you she was unconscious during this time, which made me a very bad guy. "God, I need to try to control my thirst for a second!"

Before I do more to my girl, I removed myself from Bec and decided that I should take a night walk to calm my desire. As I began to walk away from the door, I heard Bec saying, "Want more?" 

Not understanding what she meant, I gave her my confused expression. But as always Bec being Bec, she straightforwardly asked me one more time, "Do you want this..." She tempted me by slowly unbuttoning the clothes that I just put on her body. 

"Damn!" I must've lost my mind to even think about devouring her for a second because honestly, I would. Maybe I wouldn't do it...but on the other hand, I guess I should ask if she's okay with it. 

Not caring about my pride, I bluntly told her to go for another round. However, soon enough I left with bad news when she was joking with what she said earlier. 

Disregarding everything she said, I changed my plan about wanting to go for a walk and abruptly launching the best kiss she'd ever tasted. I've been wanting to taste those lips again and I wouldn't mind doing it every day without a miss, especially now that I am expecting her to be my wife and be there with me 24/7. 

Her face was so close to mine that I could still smell the sweet vanilla fragrance on her body. With an impatient wriggle to eat her mouth, I ate her hot, opening lips while sharing our saliva. 

Helplessly, my eyes clenched shut as soon as I felt her tongue searching for mine. My throat stings from her heavy hot breath that made me moan in the kiss. As our lips parted, I could hear her heart beating faster and faster from eating each other's lips. 

On the other hand, Bec was sinking hard as the intensity of our makeout session left her dizzy, which made her cling to me since I was the nearest headrest around her at that time. "Hold on...Freen..." Bec parted her shaking lips, sending wild tremors along her nerves. 

But before she even recovered from my kiss, I brought her face near mine and kissed her again. I thought that Bec might had enough of me, but her actions say otherwise when I can feel her smile against my skin. Instead, she pulled my body closer to her while her lips attached to my lips. 

I'm pressing my body closer and closer to his as I struggle to breathe but am reluctant to break away from the kiss. Right then, she bit my lips, making me pull away from her and I see the grimace on her face when we break contact. I can feel she's in the mood to do the deed when she tries in any way to touch me, even if it's just the hem of my shirt. 

"Ohh...Becky..." I was pleased with myself for making her act this way.


I'm not physically weak. In fact, after eating her out, I was feeling very powerful, as if I was at the top of the world. Not fearing anything in this room, I dared to ask her one question, "Tell you want me to do you?" I stared at her soul so she could feel the desire that was inside me. 

To give her a hint on what I wanted to do, I took this moment to grind my hips into her. Now, she was looking at me with her dilated pupils, showing that she was interested in my offer. Her hands were now on my waist, still contemplating while having pink flushed cheeks from embarrassment.

Her energy wasn't on par with mine, but I knew her body wanted me. She was twisted to decide on what to do, but in the end, she just let it burn, "You- can do it..." She stared at me while she gave me her answer and that made her blush even more. 

"Oh," I smirked. 

And just before I go all out with my soon-to-be wife, I heard a knock, coming from the door, which halted our action. As my adrenaline heightened, I ignored the knock and continued with what I was currently doing, but that wasn't possible when my partner's attention was not on me anymore.

"I guess now I know why the locked door before..." My mom intervened in our session before it got heavy. 

"Ughh!" I was annoyed at my mom while giving her the deadliest mean stare. 

Such a vaginablocker!

Author's notes:

I know I am very very late updating this chapter, but I can't help it when I have no motivation to write. I am so sorry to my readers for waiting too long for a chapter. How I wish I could say I will update often... But I will try my best. I guess huhu✌️

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