Chapter 18: Help me

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Freen's POV

I stop, I lose it when the things that I am scared of was becoming reality. I'm not mad at what Becky told me. Instead, I was sad that she was not going to be at my company again, like forever.

Thankfully, the next day is the weekend and so, it's my time to rant about my problems at my bff. I swear I have never been in this crisis and need someone to lead the way to make it work for Becky and me.

Even though Toey looks goofy when around me when we talked about something serious, she always is there for me and tried to listen to my concern and come up with brilliant ideas.

However, she didn't know why I called her this morning on Sunday. "What upsets you early this morning that you can't wait no more... today is like my rest day, man..." She groggily complained at me while resting her head on my shoulder, continuing with her sleep.

"Girl...I know you are jobless nowadays since you're not working on any drama at the moment," I was feeling fed up with her attitude.

At this point, she removed herself from my shoulder and annoyed at me, "How dare you! I'm famous okay... people are dying to recruit me. I always work even though I'm at home... even now! I am working... to listen to your problems... but since you're my friend, I charged you for free,"

"Let's just say helping you is a's nicer to put it that way. So...what's the matter?" She stopped playing and be serious.

I'm scared to tell her, but I needed her opinion on this matter. "Becky decided to stop working with me..." I told her without warning.

"And? I thought you saw this coming. I already told you that she's going to be working temporarily for the sake of her series. What are you expecting her to do?" Toey was telling the facts.

Denying the truth, I defended myself, "But I don't want her to go... the company needs her... and I need her..."

Just when she thought my answer didn't satisfy her, she argued with me, "Huh? I thought you have another PA... Isn't she enough for you?"

Oh, I swear I have to say it without beating around the bush or she wouldn't get why am I even having this discussion with her. "Ughh... Toey! You don't understand! I need your help to stop her from quitting..." I was frustrated at her.

As she slowly understand where I am coming from, she talked back with my previous sentence, "Woah, I can't control someone's decision if that's what you want me to do... but I guess I could talk to her..."

At that moment, something came to her mind, "Wait...why do you want me to help you? Have you tried to stop her?"

Feeling ashamed of my cowardness, I closed my eyes and responded to Toey, "Uhh, not really..."

"Then, why do you throw your problem at me? Am I your 3rd PA now?" She made a fuss over my request to make Becky stay at the company.

Again, not knowing what to do, I admitted to Toey that I was embarrassed to say something to Becky. Also, I don't want to force her to stay if that's what she truly wanted. Despite that, Toey, being a clueless human being voiced out her opinion, "Then...just let her go. It's that easy..."

"Easy for you to say it like that..." I breathed out my dissatisfaction with her idea.

"Of course it's easy...why is it so hard for you to let her go? Is she really that good at her work to the point where you want her to yourself?" She was trying to make sense of the reason.

Tolerating if I should say the truth but in the end, I give in because I know Toey will not stop asking questions if I don't come clean and explain everything about my true feeling. "It's because...I don't want her gone from my life...If I let her go, will I be able to meet her again? Talk to her or watch her from afar and pamper her with her favourite boba tea every day?" I declared my interest in Becky to my bff.

"Hmmm, something's strange with know what, I will ask her if her decision is finalised, okay? But I don't promise anything because I also want what's best for her after what she's been through..." She lowkey commented that there's more to Becky's backstory.

Being ignorant, I expressed to her that I understood her meaning, "Ahhh the rumours...I think she's gradually doing fine from what I observed..."

And here is Toey looking pity at me because I didn't know anything about Becky. "Oh no... I'm not talking about that actually..." Her face suddenly went miserable as if something bad really happened to Bec.

"What are you talking about?" I feel uneased to know the real reason for Toey being overprotective of Becky ever since she introduced Bec to me earlier this month.

" be honest, I haven't told you the complete story of why Becky has been suffering from constant controversies being thrown over her face. And, I don't know if she's completely healed after what happened to Orn..." Toey expressed her worries.

That sadness on Toey's face makes it even worse and I knew from that moment that it was a heavy topic for both her and Becky. "Who is it? What happened to her?" I cautiously questioned her.

"Orn was her ex...and she passed away in a hit-and-run case when she was on a holiday with Becky. Up until now, the person responsible for the incident has still not been caught..." Toey was still saddened by the fact that her fellow actress died from an unexpected tragedy.

Even though, I didn't know this person, I could tell her death had a big impact on everybody, including Bec and Toey. Automatically, I comforted my bff and hug her. She then continued to talk, "The accident was very recent...about 6 months ago and honestly, everyone wasn't expecting her to die that way..."

"I see... I am sorry for your loss...I didn't know about this. You know what... let's cancel the plan where you going to talk with her. I don't want Becky to think about this and feel bad if she knows I am preventing her from quitting her job," I concluded my decision.

I'll just accept her resignation...But to keep it real, I was feeling lost and shocked after hearing about Becky's history.

I should let her go and let her be in peace...

Author's notes:

My advice is to not worry too much about Freen's decision. She will come around🤞🤞🤞

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