Chapter 23: Give you time

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Freen's POV
After I gave her the earrings, I bid her goodbye and give her some space because I could tell she was thinking about something deep.

Although she suggested that we could hang out often, I didn't have the nerve to make a move on her, especially when I didn't know if she was ready to be in a relationship.

Maybe I just think a little too hard over this, holding myself back from expressing my true feeling. At the same time, I don't want to pressure her into a new relationship. So, my only way to show my support was through social media where I always liked each of her posts. 

But, yeah as always, insecurities get in my head when it's quiet from the other side. As usual, I made myself busy with my company to not think of her over and over again every second. Despite having a meltdown, my company expanded as I was opening a new branch in another country. 

The second someone mentioned my company, it means that the company's decision was not entirely up to me as I still need some advice on what to do to my father. Because of that, lately, I have been spending time with my parents. 


While spending time with my dad, he was so involved in giving some ideas about my new company. And as for my mom, she swiftly brought up a topic about my love life. 

Except that I didn't know that it was a signal from my mother to my father to say what they'd been discussing before. 

Carefully, my dad speaks softly to me, in case I might get offended by what he was about to say. "Freen... I and your mom acknowledged how successful you are in your career...and since you're not getting any younger, we decided to help you a bit in your love affair by setting you on a blind date with my friend's son." 

At this moment, I knew that I can't avoid this conversation, especially when it was coming from my dad. Sometimes I wish they trust me to take care of myself and let me find my own happiness. 

With just one look into my dad's eyes, I knew that he meant well and wanted me to take it seriously. I don't know if I should lie or accept their offer because I know that I don't have it in me, to tell the truth. Will they object to the idea of me loving a woman? 

I wonder silently until my mom asked me with concern, "What is currently on your mind, kiddo? Are you okay there?" She then went by next to me to sort of comfort me to not make myself overwhelmed with the blind date that they planned out for me. 

Still, how could I do that to myself if I won't tell them the truth and be miserable with my life? Because I also want to have their support for whoever I am going to be dating in the future. 

Obviously, my mom knew that I got something on my mind, to which she encouraged me by caressing both of my hands, so I get to say what I was actually afraid of saying in front of my parents.  

Building my courage, I began my sentence, "'s one thing I want to confess about. Actually...there's already someone I'm interested in..."

Without knowing my next sentence, my mom excitedly was dying to know more about my crush. "Darling!! Who's the lucky guy? Have I met them before?" She was thrilled. 

Keep thinking until the last second if I should tell them, right then, I remembered that if I want to be in a relationship with Bec, I need my parent's permission so that Bec is on their good side. So, I take a deep breath and said that I like a girl.

"A girl!? Did I hear that wrong?" My dad intervened in my conversation with my mom. Suddenly, he became defensive with his tone, making it seems that he hated the idea of girl and girl relationship. 

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