Chapter 31: Family time

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Freen's POV

The next day, I woke up early than Becky and I must say she has a sleeping habit. She was sleeping with both of her arms up and placing her legs sideways. Right after I see her sleeping position, I chuckled at how cute she was, I wish I could eat her up. Why is she so cute? Tell me the reason.

Not caring if she wakes up or not, I unknowingly have the urge to pinch her cheeks in desperation to release my overwhelming feeling over her cuteness. Of course, I accomplish my mission to pinch her. However, Becky, on the other hand, was grumpy from her beauty sleep due to my cute aggression toward her.

"Whay are you horting meh!?" She was having difficulty talking as my fingers are still squishing her baby cheeks. Now that she did that, I find her even cuter, making my heart weak. Though she was struggling to find her words, her eyes were riveting to the side, not looking at me. I wonder why...

To make it up to this angry girl, I planted a kiss on both of her cheeks to reduce the pain that I caused. Soon, as I release my lips from her face, they become even redder than before, questioning my method of healing her cheeks. 

Scared that Bec's face will become inflamed, I caressed her cheeks in the hope to alleviate the redness. But, to no dismay, it wasn't working, causing me to worry about her. "Are you in pain? BB?" I asked her.

"I'm fine! Really! Just stop with what you're doing and cover yourself..." She was now hiding underneath the blanket. 

At that moment, I realised, I was still naked. I see now why she's red...

So, I commented to her, "Didn't you just see me naked last night? Why shy now?"

"Last night was different! I was unaware of my surrounding...but now..." She hides herself.

Not caring about her shyness, I proceed to go to shower and let her settle herself.


Thirty minutes later, I went downstairs to find something to cook. Somehow after a minute of scanning through the kitchen, the only thing I see was sets of different canned drinks and water bottles.

I guess we have no other choice but to order some food. Grabbing my phone, I called for food delivery. While waiting for the food to arrive, I checked up on Bec and saw that she's finished freshening up. 

Immediately, her instinct was to cuddle me from my back, hinting to ask over something. "BB...are you going to be busy next week?" Bec asked.

"Not really...why you asked?" I am curious about her plan. 

"I was wondering if you want to spend a holiday with me during the thanksgiving?" She was anticipating my answer.

Thinking about her plan, I suddenly remembered that I have to spend the holiday with my family since this will be the first time I am going to celebrate with them after separating from them for seven years. But I know Bec doesn't want people to know about our relationship, which makes it hard for me to invite her to my family event. Because I know our past events have always been grand and that includes Thanksgiving. It means that they will invite some of their influential friends to come.

Trying hard not to offend Bec, I pouted at the fact that I will be unavailable for the holiday. "Bec...I'm not sure I can make it since I will be spending time with my parents..." I am still not sure whether to invite her or not. 

"Okay...I understand...I guess I will have to spend time at home alone again..." Bec was feeling regretful.

By her statement, I could tell she was not used to spending Thanksgiving with her family, making me feel more miserable. "'re not going to spend the holiday with your family?" I slowly find the answer.

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