Chapter 16: On the news

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Becky's POV

I'm grateful that I still have fans despite having many controversies that have almost destroyed my name. However, the support that I received seems odd to me. It's not that I'm ungrateful.

Usually, my official fan club will upload something on their social media to make sure I saw that the food support was from them. One thing that I could confirm is it's not from my fans. They can't know where I had my workshop.

I didn't share anything with the media that I had my workshop today and kept the location a secret to prevent overcrowding. The only people that knew my whereabout was my company and the people who work for the series.

My guess could be someone close to me like Saint...maybe. But he never showed me support with this grand gesture. And for Toey, I don't think it's her either as I haven't had any contact with her in a while after she helped me out with finding my current job at Freen's company.

This time, it felt different and it almost looks like it was coming from an anonymous individual. And the only one who came to my mind was one person who I updated quite recently on my whereabouts and they even asked if I ate already or not...

No way... Could it be her?


Just thinking about it makes me feel happy and it might have caused me to smile wider than I should've. I'm finding ways to ensure that there's a possibility that someone sends it instead. So, I asked around and also questioned Saint about it once again, but he was also surprised.

Because I was eager to know who the food support comes from, I directly called Freen and within seconds, she answered it.

Me 🐻: Hey! Freen. Where are you?
(I remembered that she was going to get her sweater back from me)

Freen 🐰: Ahh... I got a lot of work to do...Bec...I will get my sweater when I next see you since it's not my priority to get it anyways. Is that okay with you?

Me 🐻: That's okay, Freen... Umm, I know this might sound so random but did you happen to send me food support or a milk tea truck of some sort?

Freen 🐰: Ohh... no...I didn't. Why would I...?

However, hearing how nervous she sounded, I could tell she was shy but I choose to ignore it. Maybe it's not her after all. Still, I don't get why Freen is so shy about it.


Just when I thought the next day would be peaceful, it was the opposite of peaceful when there was a rumour that I was seeing someone because of the food support that didn't come from my fans and the media knew about it.

During that day, it causes a ruckus in my company and later, when I went to my work, I couldn't help but hear people gossiping about me having a secret relationship. Even worse, everyone has their suspicion that I'm currently dating my co-actor or even a rumour with the director.

Obviously, I, myself can't let this news ruin my career and cleared up the rumour straight away. However, I might be one step behind when not even an hour later, someone cleared up the gossip from spreading too much. I was flabbergasted.

Who is this powerful person that could get to the bottom of my issues in an instant as if they know that I'm struggling by the news?


Freen's POV

I was getting shy from her call cause I didn't expect that she would rise suspicion over me. Did I make it obvious?

A lot is going on through my mind, I want to support her without her knowing. Maybe, I should really need to hide my attraction to her more. It's unnecessary for her, especially when she doesn't feel anything about me. But that's okay as she enjoyed her time at work.

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