39 -You Can Cut The Tension With A Knife

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39 - You Can Cut The Tension With A Knife

We failed to make conversation for at least five more minutes. You might think five minutes were nothing, but when you were in the same room as the person you strongly disliked –just to not use the word hate- and had fought with, it was an eternity. I was too angry as to say something, anything actually, and he…he was just a jerk.

I used the time to analyze what had got me to be inside a room with Zayn Malik fighting over Baby Lux. How the heck did that happen? I mean, this was for real. I was not dreaming, unless I had got into a two month coma…

Okay, leaving that theory aside, just a couple of months ago I was in school, minding my own business. Thinking about how I was a loner and daydreaming about another life, a parallel universe in which I was great and pretty, popular.

Then vacations came along with the year ending and the girls I wanted so desperately to hang out with and call my friends wanted to hang out all the time, as well as my cousin, who was my only actual friend. But the thing was that hanging out always meant spending money, which I did not have. And I really wanted to go out with those girls so I decided to get a job.

So, I kind of had to thank them for this. For wanting to be accepted by them I ended up working for Louise and meeting One Direction.

And who would have guessed the cute baby girl I saved one random day on a park would lead me to the greatest adventure of my life? It must have been faith.

It was because of Lux I got to hang out with five of my idols this summer. She saved me from a boring and pathetic summer. Everything I had had this summer, I owed it to her.

I sighed nostalgically, not being able to believe it was all coming to an end, and not just because the summer was ending, but because my dream was probably ending sooner because of this stupid bickering with Zayn. And it was his fault. He hated me since the beginning for God knows what reason and now I had to pay the price for his irrationality.

I rested my back against the couch, realizing I should say something because he was obviously not going to and I did not want to lose Lux. I was going to lose her in a couple of days, but at least I would have these days to spend and enjoy. If I did not get fired, of course.

“So…we have to solve our issues to get Lux …” I pointed out nervously as I fidgeted with my fingers, not sure of how to act. I did not want to get into a fight because Louise was right outside and I did not want to get into trouble.

“Yup,” he agreed as he rubbed his hands against his pants and kept looking forward as if his life depended on it. Obviously he was afraid of losing Lux as well. I was sure Louise could fix something up to ban Zayn from seeing her or something like that. She was scary when she was mad.

Another minute of silence passed by and then I got an idea of how to solve it. I knew he was not going to make the first move, eh was shy after all.

“Well, first I think we should recognize which those issues are…” I told him, not getting my gaze off the floor as I said. I tried to say something else but I had no idea of what that could be, so I just opened my mouth to close it a few seconds later. My throat had become dry and I could not even gulp. I started to tap my feet against the floor anxiously, as I waited for his response.

“You do not actually think we will resolve this and become bff’s or however you call it, do you?” he inquired in a sly tone.

I raised my gaze and stared at him incredulously. He smirked as if I was retarded and then shook his head as he looked away. I frowned, disappointed that my idol was such a jerk.

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