Hey guys. I'm sad. The end of this lovely story is coming. I cannot believe it took a year for me to finish it. I loved writing it and I am so glad that you all joined me in the ride.Thanks for your support and please enjoy, comment, vote in the last chapters.
By the way, my usb was not working and there is where my stories are! I was so worried, but it was alright.
47 - It Was Not Your Fault
After a whole day of watching movies and having Kennan and Paul offending me with all sort of insults –I swear they were never ending, unlike my patience which quickly ran out-, visiting hours were over and they had to return to their hotel. I did not want them to leave actually, but there was nothing I could do about it.
“You guys stayed here all day instead of going out and sightseeing or anything, so thank you for that,” I thanked as I glanced briefly at each of them with a grateful smile. Having them here when I knew they could perfectly go hang out around in New Jersey’s streets meant a lot to me.
“No problem, Kay bay,” Louis chirped while patting sympathetically my back.
“It was kind of our fault after all,” Liam mumbled, gazing at the floor right away. I frowned but had no time to question him about that statement that had come out of the blue.
“Anything for a friend,” Zayn said while winking at me playfully.
“It’s my job,” Kennan grunted, ruining the great vibe.
“Shut the hell up, Kennan,” I shot at him, rolling my eyes at him. He was really getting on my nerves today.
He laughed victoriously and high fived Paul once more. “Goodbye, Kaylie,” they both chorused and left the room. The boys waved their goodbyes and started to exit the room. Niall was staying today again, much to my pleasure.
“Liam,” I called out to the tall and sweet boy that was still looking down. He turned around right away and I looked at him sternly, asking him with my gaze to come back to me. He quickly understood what I was implying with my eyes and slowly walked towards me, his head ducked down and his hand deep into his front pockets. I could see the guilt in his eyes already. And that bothered me to no end.
“Hey, Kay,” he whispered sadly. He sat next to me on the bed, still not looking at me straight in the eyes.
“Liam, look at me,” I sighed. He nodded, refusing to look at me. He would look anywhere but into my eyes. “Liam,” I pleaded, a bit harsher this time since Paul was at the door glaring at me for keeping him behind and delaying their departure. After a while Liam finally did look up at me. His eyes were teary and it immediately broke my heart. “It was not your fault what happened, alright?” I cooed, feeling myself at loss of words. I did not even know how I had managed to sputter out what I had.
He sighed in deeply and then nodded, tears now falling down his cheeks. “It wasn’t supposed to happen,” he mumbled as he rubbed the palm of his left hand against his eyes.
“Oh, Liam! Don’t!” I whined, feeling completely flustered and hurt because he was feeling the same way and it was painful to see. “Thank you so much for caring,” I whispered into his ears as I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back right away, his head resting on my shoulder.
But I think he did not really understood just how special what he was doing for me was. I had never really had friends besides Laura. I was always the last option. I had never really known what it was to have someone besides my family –who were supposed to care- worry about me. And the fact that he cared enough as to cry because he felt guilty about me getting hurt just brought me to tears and warmed up my heart.
He let go of me and I did as well. Soon enough he was looking into my eyes with a warm smile. “I will always care about you, Kay. You’re my friend,” he retorted as he smiled at me.
“Are you okay now?” I inquired as he stood up, after Paul had cleared his throat in a subtle calling out for Liam to go after him. They were probably tons of paparazzi, reporters and fans outside of the hospital just waiting for them to go out. My little incident had become huge news around town.
“Yeah, thanks Kaylie.” He smiled and I kissed his cheek.
“Thank you for being such a nice friend and a great guy,” I rebutted, squeezing his hand reassuringly one last time before he turned around.
He waved goodbye once more and exited the room. His happy and full of life personality was back. Outside, where the other guys waited for him, suddenly cheered up and they all walked away together, laughing happily because we were all finally alright.
I exhaled heavily and then turn to gaze at Niall. He had been watching the scene unfold from afar, jut being there for both of us, which I really appreciated. He gazed back and smiled a breathtaking smile right away, making me blush. Around him, I blushed involuntarily and at any moment. He then sat next to me, making my tummy feel all weird, probably because of the butterflies, which seemed to be on drugs.
“What a day,” I muttered with a sarcastic laugh, closing my eyes as I rested my head on his broad shoulder –one of the things I loved the most about him. I had just always had a soft spot for guys with broad backs and shoulders. They got me weak to my knees.
“Yeah,” he scoffed. He caressed my hair sweetly as we rested on the bed, doing nothing else but just being there. And I realized then that there was no need for anything else. All I needed was him by my side to be happy. Too bad he was leaving soon and I was probably never going to see him again…
“Niall…” I breathed out, not finding it in me to speak any louder. Suddenly, the heartbreak had got even worse and I felt like bawling my eyes out, not caring that he was right next to me at the moment. He was not going to be later on, and I really hated that.
“Yeah?” he responded and I felt the bed shift under his weight, which meant he had probably turned to face me.
I was tempted to tell him about what I was feeling, but I just could not bring myself to do it. I knew I would burst into tears and I did not think I was ready for it. So instead, I asked something else; something that I knew would make both of us happy. “I’m hungry. It’s dinner time already, right?”
“It is.” I opened my eyes and turned to look at him. He immediately arose from the bed with a huge, happy grin on his face. “I’ll be right back.”
I smiled as he rushed for some food. That was his magical word. He would do anything for it, literally.
He came back in no time with some take out Indian food and I cheered excitedly. There was nothing better than Indian food while in a hospital. We had a nice dinner and then fell asleep as we watched Maid in Manhattan.

[1] Babysitting Lux
Fanfiction{Book 1 of the Beautiful Love Series} Everyone knows One Direction, they are a world-wide known boy band, after all. But does everyone know Lux? At least, really know her? Not only as the Baby Lux that is "the youngest fan of One Direction", but al...