44 - An Injured Friend Leads To Fighting In The Van

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44 - An Injured Friend Leads To Fighting In The Van

Inside the van it was all drama and panic and screams –not kidding. Almost as if I had never left the street full of screaming, hating and euphoric fans. It all just made me feel even worse. My headache just got more and more unbearable.

“Who did this to you?!”

“Are you okay?”

“How did this happen?”

“Why did you leave her alone?!”

The voices sounded distorted and I did not even attempt to open my eyes because I knew it would all be blurry and I would get a panic attack. So instead, I shut my eyes close and stayed like that, wincing in pain at the mere movement and at the loud questions coming from everywhere around me. My body felt heavy and I could not move it, all I could do was listen. And that was the least I wanted to do. Especially when no one could get a grip of themselves and make everyone else shut up.  

My eyes hurt now; tears had come out of them, because I was very scared and in a state of shock. I could still not fully understand what had happened what I had been hit with or why I had been attacked in the first place. All I knew was that I was hurt and I was crying, which just hurt even more. Every single little and insignificant movement suddenly felt so important because it was hurtful and painful.

“How could you not realize she was fucking bleeding?”

“Why did you not go after her when she walked away from us?!”

At least now I could hear a bit clearer, as much as I could through the pounding of my head and of my heart.

“You are not blaming this on me!”

“Why did it took you so long to realize she was bleeding?!”

“That is what I just asked!”

“Shut up!”

“I thought she was laughing, her face was red! That is how it gets when she laughs!”

“You shut up!”

“Are you stupid or what?”

“Who are you calling stupid, you…stupid?”

“Are you calling me stupid now?!”

“No shit, Sherlock!”

“I did not ask you, so shut the fuck up!”

“Why don’t you make me shut up?”

“Stop acting so childish.”

“Yes, please!”

“Shut up, lad, you have four nipples and nobody is asking you about them!”

“And who cares about my four nipples right now?!”

“You are making it worse!”

“At least hold her right!”

“He has four nipples and more brain than you three together!”

“Shut up and eat you damn carrots!”

“Oh, stop it with those damn carrots! I’m sick of them!”

“Do not cuss!”

“Oh, you totally crossed the line!”

“Oh…I crossed the line?! Are you a giant baby or what?”



“Do not get pussies into this.”

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