4 - Explanations & Unexpected Outbursts

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4- Explanations & Unexpected Outbursts

 Niall’s P.O.V.

Louise, our stylist, arrived late today. We were all sitting down waiting for her, just chilling and talking nonsense. She never came late, so we were a bit worried even if we all tried to pretend we were just fine. She came in a couple of seconds ago, apologizing to our manager Richard who frantically followed her around. He was the tough one, the serious one. The other managers were more relaxed.

“I am sorry Richard! I already explained to you what happened! But I am here now. Calm down!” 

“Yeah but we need to get this pictures done! So get them ready as soon as you can and send them to me alright?”

She said nothing.

“Send them to me in half an hour!” he shrieked exiting the room.

We were all silent, just waiting for her to be ready; we did not overreact and over think like Richard did. That was his job, not ours. We stared at her and she sighed, rolling her eyes, obviously annoyed at Richard.

We immediately exchanged looks and smiled when she did this. She was quite chill and relaxed like us, and we adored her for that. And besides, Richard looked so funny when he was angry. There was a vein in his forehead that jumped, making him look a bit like Frankenstein.

“Sorry guys,” Louise said as she got Louis into the chair. Louis stared wonderingly at her, just like the rest of us.

“Where were you?” Liam asked.

“Yeah, you had us worried!” Harry followed.

“And where is Baby Lux?” Zayn asked looking around for her.

“I had a rough morning. I stayed longer than I wanted in the park on the way here?” We all nodded, we knew which park she talked about. “So, yeah, you have no idea of what a morning I had,” she said sighing.

“What happened?” I asked.

“First of all, I lost Lux.”

“What?! Is that why she is not here?” Zayn asked, immediately freaking out and jumped up from his seat, quickly approaching Louise.

We have never understood why he cares so much about Baby Lux. I mean, do not get me wrong, we all care about her, but he is too over it. He is very protective over her and they have a relationship that is quite hard to figure out. Maybe it is because of the recent trouble with the Zuxthing. That really got to his nerves. He is the closest to her. You better not mess with their relationship. And besides, that story was way messed up. It was really creepy.

“No, Zayn. I lost her and this sweet girl,” she said staring back at us, “found her and gave her back. And then, happy ending.” Louise rolled her eyes at Zayn, laughing at his hyperventilating self and focused back on Lou’s hair.

“You should find someone to take care of her, you know,” Liam ventured, in the serious tone he uses most of the time.

“Don’t be a fool. She has us,” Harry said, chuckling at Liam as if what he just said was stupid and hilarious. I actually agreed with Liam on this one.

“That’s right Hazza,” Zayn motioned. I really do not think he would like someone around Lux. Especially a stranger to us.

“You guys are busier than me,” Louise snorted.

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