34 - Baby Crying Means She Wants Gummies, Not Ovnies

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34 - Baby Crying Means She Wants Gummies, Not Ovnies

“Lux!” I screamed in horror, immediately recognizing her aggravated voice and running desperately and without second thoughts to where it came from. I ran down the hallway, with Niall and Liam following quickly and without questions behind me.

Then, suddenly, out of nowhere Louis appeared, almost bumping into me and making me jump a little. He had a freaked out expression on his face as Lux cried in his arms.

“Help me! Help me!” he pleaded exasperatedly.

“Louis, what did you do?” Liam questioned the green eyed shaky boy who was even hyperventilating as I grabbed Lux and got her into my arms.

“Are you okay Lux? What did this crazy Doncaster Luigi do to you?” I inquired as I gently as I could as I stroked her hair, trying to calm her down.

“Hey!” Louis protested. Or should I say jimmy protested? Nah, really old joke… “First of all, my name is Jennifer.” After saying that, Louis raised his hand, wanting Niall to high five him. He was smirking but got nothing from Niall.  

Niall nodded in disapproval. “No, man, you made the baby cry,” he pointed out with a frown.

Lux hid her face in my hair, still sobbing desperately, making my heart ache. Today was not a good day for me. Lux had been terrified by Zayn and me and then she had cried because of Louis. I only hoped Louise did not put all the blame on me. We all knew this was all Zayn’s fault for being such a jerk.

“I’m sorry! She kept on saying ovnis! What the hell does she mean by that?” Louis questioned frustrated as he got his hands to the sides of his hips, tapping his foot on the floor, trying to keep clam. But I think he was even more aggravated than the baby. But I was not about to tell that to the drama queen. I would never hear the end of it.

“First of all, watch your mouth, mister!” Liam reprimanded, looking absolutely cute putting his hands to his hips as well, making me want to laugh at him for it. But right now, I had to focus all of my attention on Lux and the reason why she had cried. She seemed pretty upset.

“Ovnis? She cannot even say the word, Lou!” I huffed in disbelief at the dumb boy standing in front of me. I held her tighter against me and then planted a kiss on her forehead, happy to see she had calmed down. I hated seeing her crying.

“Yeah, why would she say ovnis?” Niall inquired, supporting me –which made me feel quite special, something I did not feel often- and giving Louis a weird, confused look. He looked so cute while doing that. God, Kaylie, focus!

“Why would I know?” Louis shrieked.

“Shut up, all of you!” I demanded, rolling my eyes and being the responsible one, since apparently all of them would be immature and ignore the fact that the baby girl was crying. They could be so childish at times. I looked intently at Lux, getting her attention. I caught it and she looked right into my eyes. “What is wrong, Lux?”

“Gummies!” she sobbed cutely.

I remained silent for a while as I nodded in disbelief, suppressing a smile. God, sometimes boys could be so silly!

They all looked expectantly at me, waiting for me to tell them what Lux had said because apparently they had not heard. They could not even focus. Even I, with my crush right next to me after we had almost kissed and been caught while doing so, could focus better than them. “She said gummies, you fool!” I announced amused with a giggle, looking straight at Louis as I smirked at him.

“Oh…”he simply replied at the lack of words while scratching the top of his head, ruffling his hair in the process.

“Gummies?” Liam repeated unsure as he furrowed his eyebrows in concentration.

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