52 - Goodbye To My Soon-To-Be Best Friend

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52 - Goodbye To My Soon-To-Be Best Friend

“Kaylie…” I heard someone call out.

I turned around to find a very sad Zayn in front of me. He was the most special lad for me, as a friend. He was the one I had such an odd and special and unexplainable bond with. We had shared so much in these past three months. There was an unbreakable and undeniable bond between us. From all of them, he was the one I was sure I would stay in contact with forever.

Who knew? In time we might even become best friends.

But it still surprised me how sad he was. I mean, I knew we were very good friends now, –after all that drama we had during over two months and as much as you could be in less than a week- but the way he looked at me was intriguing. It seemed as if he had something to say he couldn’t. But what could it be?

Zayn was always like that, he was always holding something back. There was always that one thing he would not tell you and that you would have to figure out on your own. But somehow, I knew I would manage to see past that and see the sensible boy who cared all too much and who defended his family, friends and beliefs with all he got.

Well, I had no time to spare, as to waste it on such an unimportant thought. I did not think about it twice and threw myself into his arms, which were wide open, waiting for me. I sighed as I pulled him into me. He held on to me as if his life depended on it. It was sad to think I had no idea of when I would see him again –or if I would see him again. He had a very special place near my heart, and I surely would not forget him.

It’s painfully funny how life just pushes you away from the people you care about.

We stayed like that for who knows how long. But then, he broke our embrace. I looked confused at him, wondering what was going on through that mind of his. He got something out of his pocket as I stared intently at him, trying to figure out what he was up to. Then, he raised his gaze and stared right through me. His hand was bawled into a fist, and I could tell there was something inside it.

“This…this is for you, Kaylie. I saw it, and it reminded me of you, of us actually. I want you-I want you to remember me and I just want you to know I will be waiting for you. When you’re done with school, come to London. I’ll be waiting for you there.” He remained silent for a while and then spoke again. “I will always carry you in my heart. And I know we have an unbreakable, unexplainable bond, a bond which no one will ever understand. You are very special for me. I…” he sighed shakily and with that, he hugged me, not finishing the sentence.

I cried even more, feeling as if someone were stabbing my heart with a thousand daggers at the same time.  He had no right to do that to me! Now I was uncontrollable.

He grabbed my hand and placed a thin golden chain on it. I stared at it. From the chain, a little golden heart hung. I touched the heart and after messing a bit with it I realized you could open it. I did so and found a picture of Zayn and me inside. It was small, but I could see us perfectly. I smiled as I remembered when we took it. It had not been long after we had started to get along. Everyone was very suspicious. No one could believe we stopped fighting so sudden.

But that was the thing; no one understood it but Zayn and me. That was why we were so close now. We shared and knew something no one else did.

I bit my lower lip to prevent the sob I saw coming, but it came out anyway. I raised my gaze to hug Zayn once more, but he was gone. I looked over to the airplane and saw his back as he hurried into the airplane. The last glimpse I caught of him was the back of his neck for a few seconds before even that faded away into a memory.

I sighed tiredly. This was too much. I could not do this anymore. I just wanted to run away and never look back.  

Soon enough, I felt a strong, heavy hand rest on my shoulder, getting me out of my thoughts. I looked up to find Paul looking down at me with watery eyes. “Paul, are you crying?” I asked surprised, fully turning around to face him properly.

I thought he did not like me... But besides everything, at the end, he had to accept we went through a lot together, either he wanted to accept it or not.  

It was funny to think how much Paul and Kennan despised me at the beginning. They even helped Louis prank me and were making fun of me when I was in the hospital. But today, I realized they actually had feelings. They were going to miss me. And that surprised me a lot.

“Behave, Kaylie. And keep in touch.” There was so much seriousness and dullness in his voice as he said it that I had to remain silent for a while, just trying to stop the tears from coming. Nothing assured me he would not mock me for crying as I said goodbye to him. Just as with Kennan, there was only so much I could expect from Paul.

“Oh, Paul,” I finally sighed as I approached with my arms wide open to hug him. He just stared at me, and then he nodded and started to walk away. My arms were awkwardly sprung out and I awkwardly pulled them away again into me. I was actually expecting something like this.

I half smiled, though, deciding this was not how we would say goodbye. So without giving it much thought, I called after him and when he stopped and turned around, I ran to him and threw myself into his arms.

He stood there, perplex, for a moment, but soon enough he was hugging me back. “Bye, Kay,” Paul said, as he patted my shoulder one last time.

Then, he just stepped back, cleared his throat and without uttering another word followed after Kennan. As he walked away, I remembered when we first met. He was the security guard who showed me around and told me where not to get into -even though I did it anyway. Oh, how I was going to miss Paul! As crazy as it sounded…

I kept on gazing at him, and saw he was removing some tears from his cheeks as he looked down to the ground. I bit my lip to force myself to stay strong as he stood by the stairs that led up and into the plane, waiting for Niall to get in.

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