27 - The Atkins are Downstairs

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27 -The Atkins Are Downstairs

“Kaylie, time to wake up. You are going to that water park today,” a voice echoed through my head, getting into my dream.

I rolled in the bed, which was a quite difficult task to achieve since I was tangled inside my comforter which could cause me to fall. Luckily, it didn’t. This must be my lucky day. “Hm? The tigers got out of the monsoon just on time mom, worry not, they are on time to save the words from the pancake attack,” I mumbled lazily, still half asleep.

“What?!” she questioned.

I sighed and sat straight in my bed, the rattled mess of my hair around my face not letting me see my mom. How it came all the way to my face and stuck there is beyond me.

I yawned as I stretched my numb from sleep body and tried to get rid of the sleepiness. “What?” I questioned back, rubbing the palm of my hands against my eyes as I got out of bed. Awhn… such a nice night of sleep! And much needed as well.

“You just said something about some tigers and a monsoon and a… pancake attack?” she said but it was more of an inquire, as if to confirm that she had heard me right, while giving me an odd, uncomfortable look. It was as if she was actually trying to understand me, silly her.

“Did I?” She should be used to my weirdness by now, it have been almost sixteen years after all.

I scrunched up my face, trying to remember what I had just said, or what I had just dreamt about for that matter.

“Yes…” she replied hesitantly, getting me to focus on her once again. She still had the ‘I am concerned my daughter might be crazy and need help or pills’ look plastered on her face.

“I think I was dreaming about it. I do not remember anymore,” I shrugged, not giving it too much importance as I stretched out and gave a look at myself in the mirror. Oh, those annoying pimples. Don’t they ever have vacations? They should! They should leave my face and back for a while, or forever if they were nice enough. But there is not much I can do about them, can I? So I just have to embrace them, yippee!

“Well, a pancake attack would be intense,” she pointed out with a sly grin.

I thought about it as I walked away from the mirror. “Yeah, I could eat them to death,” I joked and we both started to laugh hysterically at my lame but effective joke.  

“Okay…” she said with a sigh after a while, composing ourselves took more than needed, “so I guess we should never mention this to your dad,” she pointed out with a serious face. I nodded, trying to suppress a smile as she nodded slowly and then left the room with a frown. What was her deal, she knew we were both quite odd. I got it from her after all. From outside she yelled, “hurry up, they will pick you up in an hour!” startling me, but I quickly recovered.

“Okay!” I yelled back in response. I went to my drawer to search for those denim shorts I had. Oh wait, I had three pairs.


They are comfortable, cute, and my legs look amazingly long! I absolutely loved denim shorts. Anyway, I got one of those out, a pink t-shirt and my red, one piece, swimsuit that I had bought with Laura yesterday.

I turned on the stereo inside my room and a Michael Buble song burst in, cheering me up even more than I already was.

I got my beach tote out and got in a beach towel, some sun block, some sun glasses and a bunch of scrunchies. They are always very useful. I got an extra white t-shirt and another pair of denim shorts. I made sure my phone had battery and then, I got in to the bathroom. I turned the radio up even more so I could hear it from the bathroom and got into the shower. Starships by Nicki Minaj started just as the water started to drip down my body and I cheered. I danced wildly, but not wildly enough in order to not fall inside the bathroom and break something and ruin this perfect weekend. This was not one of the cases when ‘break a leg’ was a good thing.

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