16 - Bad Memories, Being Misunderstood & Loneliness

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16 - Bad Memories, Being Misunderstood & Loneliness

Zayn’s P.O.V.

I sighed as I got off the lift. That girl really got to my nerves. I mean, first she meddles in where no one called her when she does not even have the experience or courage and then she starts to fight with me? What the hell? And let’s not talk about my supposed friends taking her side. If I start to think about that, I will soon jump off the building. So let’s get back to her, I need to channel my frustration on just one thing, or one person to be clearer.

I mean, come on! What the heck is wrong with her? She seriously needs to get a life. And she needs to stay away from Baby Lux. She is my Baby Lux. Why doesn’t she get one of her own or something? I have always loved and taken care of Lux. She is the sweetest baby ever, there is no doubt. She reminds me of my sisters, you know. God, I miss them so much. I barely get to see them. I feel guilty being so far away from them, they have no one to take care of them back home. And the thing is that when I take care of Lux, the guilt goes away.

But now comes that tacky girl and takes that away from me, the only thing I have to comfort myself with. Who does she think she is?

I shook my head as I approached the lads. This girl made me anxious and irritated me. And when I got anxious I needed a cigar to calm myself down. But I was trying to quit, or at least limit it, so that was not a choice.

I knew smoking was not good. But it was not my fault that it was addictive and that it could calm me down. That girl made me feel the need to smoke – and punch a wall. What good could she be, anyway?! She was just a teenage, hormonal girl. She probably read that disgusting and stupid fan fiction, she probably even promoted it.

As I got to the lads, I realized I had already balled my hands into fists and clenched my jaw. I got out of my thoughts as the lads start to talk. I mentally thanked them for getting me distracted.

“Hey, Zayn,” Louis greeted cheerfully.

I studied each of their faces. Liam and Louis were smiling at me, probably oblivious to everything that had been happening. And that was good; I did not need other two of my so called friends turning their back against me -once again.

I turned to look at Harry and Niall who were serious. They probably still remembered what happened yesterday. I still could not believe they took her side. They should not even see her as a side, as an option. I was their friend, not her.

I gave a quick nod with my head in acknowledgement to Louis’ greeting, trying to clear my head. But apparently having them talking to me only got me to think more about that girl and the incidents.

I returned my gaze to Liam and Louis, guessing they really did not know about the small incident that happened yesterday. They did not need to. Especially Liam, he was always talking –more like ranting and reprimanding- about how we had to be nice to every single fan, always, no exceptions. But I disagreed, she should be the exception. That Kaylie girl was unbearable. And she was ruining my life. And keeping my friends away from me. I had too much in my mind already, the least I wanted was to have to worry about her.

I deserved a break, but with her around I was not going to have it.

“Hi mate,” Liam greeted while hugging me. I rolled my eyes, he was acting as if he had not seen me in weeks.

“Hi,” I grumbled. The cigarette was making appearances in my mind and the need to have one was taking over me.

“Hi,” Harry whispered, as if he were betraying himself by greeting me. I rolled my eyes at him and his weird ways.

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