24 - Left & Right Make A Difference

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24 - Left & Right Make A Difference

Niall’s P.O.V.

I got out of the lift and walked into her and Lux’s room. It was empty. Instead of making me less nervous it made me even more nervous than before. More nervous than ever. Not even when we have those gigs with thousands of people I had got this nervous.

Where the hell was Kaylie when I was about to tell her I fancied her and that I wanted to ask her out?!

Was she avoiding me?

Had she quit?

Was I ever going to see her again?

Had I blew up my chance?

I shivered at all of the thoughts that were taking up my mind and making me dizzy, damn, I was even hyperventilating after tormenting myself with all those questions.

Kennan was walking by and I rushed to him. I almost crashed into him but I jerked back, then almost falling on my bum. When I finally regained balance I looked straight into his eyes. “Kennan!” I shrieked, but it was a manly shriek, so worry not.

“Niall,” he acknowledged my presence as impassible as always. He was so used to our weird actions and our games and issues by now that he no longer cared as long as we didn’t try to kill each other before a gig or an interview.

“Where is Kaylie?” I questioned in a squeak, and then cleared my throat, trying to get the shakiness out of it. I was seriously turning into a girl today.

“She is out,” he informed and I felt an iron fist punching my stomach. I shivered as he said those words.

My eyes opened widely at his words in pure panic and I gulped. “Wh-what?!” Fear flooded my entire body. Oh no! Kaylie is gone! I am done. My chance is gone, it’s too late now. I should not be surprised. I always find a way to mess it all up. If only I had told her before!

“She is out,” he repeated as if it was the most normal thing in the world and then got out a bag of chips from I have no idea where and started eating them. I blinked confused and terrified.

“What do you mean?” I inquired with the little amount of hope I had left, maybe she had left to buy some more food, right?

“She grabbed the baby and then walked outside,” he said as if it was obvious and gave me an odd look.

“Holy shit! She abducted Baby Lux?!” I shrieked horrified. Crap. Now I was going to have to visit her in jail.

“No,” he denied, frowning as if I had said something totally stupid -which I probably did, Kaylie would never abduct a baby…right? You never finish getting to know someone…but no, she is the best and sweetest girl ever, she would not do something like that.

“Then what do you mean?”

“She took that Baby Lux to the park. Damn it, Niall what is wrong with you? Why would she abduct anyone? She is a nice girl,” he snapped defending her and rolled his eyes in annoyance.

“Oh…” My tensed body immediately relaxed and I thanked god for it.

“What do you need her for anyway?” he inquired and got his hand into the bag of chips.

“I have to tell her…something,” I replied, trying to avoid the topic and praying I was not blushing or anything. If I was black there would be no problem with me blushing, no one would notice. Why do I have to be so white? I should at least get a tan or something.

“Oh no... You fell for her, didn’t you?” he asked, nodding in disbelief as he got a mouthful of chips into his mouth.

I cringed at his actions, wondering how he could be eating and talking at the same time, but this was not the time to think about that, I needed his help. “What? No, of course I don’t.” I shot back quickly, not believing everyone knew about this. Am I this obvious?! Kennan does not even know who Baby Lux is, for fuck’s sake!

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