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"Ken?" I knocked on her door before opening it. "Get out." She turned her body towards the wall. "I'm sorry Ken. That was just my emotions getting to me..." I sat down on her bed by her feet. 

Kennedi was still silently listening to me. "You don't mean that. You still want to get rid of it." Kennedi spoken, with a sniffle. "I don't know what I want... But Anye thinks I should talk to the potential fathers." I looked at her, as her back was still turned. 

"I agree. Especially if you might make a mistake on not keeping it. You never know... This child might be the best thing of your life." Kennedi said, while wiping her face. 

I didn't respond to her comment because I still didn't know. "Only time will tell." I told her. Seems like she scoffed at my response. 

I just sighed and got off of her bed. "Ken, it's my decision. Not yours." I told her before exiting out of her room. I exhaled as I paced around in the hallway. I was thinking about how is all of this gonna' come out. How should I tell them? When should I tell them? And what's gonna' happen when I tell them? 

The doorbell rang, which distracted me out of my thoughts. I sighed and went downstairs. "Who is it?" I asked, as I came down the steps. The person was silent. I brushed it off and still opened the door. I gasped as I've seen a ghost that came back to haunt me. 

"Mama?" I blinked my eyes as my mouth dropped. "Hi Kaydence." She greeted me with a smile as she stepped inside Kennedi's apartment. I heard footsteps. I saw Kennedi standing on top of the stairs. 

"M-m-ma what you doing here?" She stuttered, scratching the back of her neck nervously. "Why my daughters acting like they've seen a ghost?" Mama asked with her eyebrows furrowed. 

"Especially you Kaydence. H-how you been-"

"Save it." I was about to walk out but my Mama grabbed me by my arm. "Where you think you're going? Sit down and you're going to listen!" Mama's voice risen. I blinked my eyes as my fist balled up. 

I felt like going with my rebellion but I decided to sit after all. My Mama followed after me. Kennedi's footsteps started to get louder. I'm guessing she's coming down the steps. Like what the fuck is this suppose to be an intervention on why I attract hood niggas? Or why I haven't spoke to her in years. 

"So you called Mama here?" I looked at Kennedi with a vile look. "No I didn't Kaydence! But I did tell her that me and you had a bad argument!" Kennedi spoken with a loud tone. 

"Like it was any of her fucking business anyway! I haven't been her business for fucking years!" I stood up from my chair and yelled at Kennedi. 

"Kaydence stop acting like that! That's still yo' Mama!" Kennedi stood up yelling back at me while putting her fingers in my face. "Get your fingers out my face Kennedi I'm telling you now!" I felt my temperature rising because she knows how to taunt me. 

I don't care that I'm in her house. I would still give her an ASS WHOOPING in her own house. "What? What you gonna' do? This my house that you're in!" She kept pointing at me, and I just slapped her hand out of my face. 

She tried to slap me and missed. And from that moment there we started fighting. It got so bad that we broke her table while my Mama was screaming in the back. "Stupid ungrateful ass bitch!" Kennedi screamed, as she was trying to hit me while I had her down by her hair. 

I wasn't trying to physically hurt my sister but she provoked me. "Stop it! Stop fighting!" Mama screamed. She got in between us trying to block us from fighting but in the middle of it, my Mama lost her balance, and passed out. 

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