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"Yes! Don't stop!" Von kissed my neck, as he was thrusting in and out of me passionately. I grasped on to his back, as I felt him deeply. My nails pressed against his skin that's how good it was. 

Von leaned up from my body and wrapped his hand around my neck, as he penetrated me frontwards at a fast pace. 

I didn't know I was still flexible, he made me hold my legs up while thrusting in and out of me. "You like that lil' folks?" Von asked. 

"Uhuh." I panted in my moan. Von pulled out of me, and moved my hands from my legs so he could hold them up instead. 

He moved down my body so he could be bare face to my crotch. Von pushed his face deep as he moved his face side to side, while sucking my clit. My eyes started rolling to the back of my head, as he swirled his tongue around. 

 I pushed his head down more. "Ooooh yes!" I moaned while grabbing on to his dreads. My body movement was matching his as he was devouring me below. 

Von planted a kiss on my clit before climbing up to me. He kissed me on my lips, letting me taste my juices. 

Von pulled away from me as I was tonguing him down. He stood in front of me while jerking himself off. 

I wonder what he had up he sleeve. I never experienced this before. Von came up close to me while still jerking off to where I was face to face with his manhood. 

I leaned up to move his hand, so I could jerk him off. I parted my lips so he could insert himself in my mouth. I pressed my tongue against his shaft, as I was going back and forth sucking him. 

He put my hair in a ball, as I was bobbing my head against him. I closed my eyes as I am getting into it. Hearing Von moan turned me on. It was making me go crazy. I thought I had him wrapped around my finger until I felt his fingers rubbed against my clit at a fast pace. 

Von's fingers were hitting my spot. My body jolted while Von was pleasuring me with his fingers. I moaned against his shaft while I deepthroating him.

My lower body was reacting to Von's fingers. I put my hand against Von's. "Mm mm take it. Move yo' hand." Von said sternly. 

I did what I was told and moved my hand. I gripped his hip with my other hand as I felt him twitch in my mouth. 

"Fuckkk lil' folks." Von moaned. I knew he was coming. I tasted his seed in my throat, as he pulled out of me. But that didn't stop him from moving his fingers. 

"Ooooh yes yes yes! I'm coming!" Von leaned his head down to flick his tongue against my clit while moving his fingers. 

My legs started to shake while my stomach formed a tight knot inside. I let out a loud moan as I started to cum. 

Von moved his fingers and brought them to my lips. I stuck my tongue out against them before I sucked on them. Von pulled me in a kiss afterwards. 

"You showed out." I panted in the kiss. 

"Mhm I had to slut you out." Von kissed me one last time, before I started laughing. 

"Shut up." I smacked him with the pillow that was next to me. 

I couldn't even be mad at him. I did tell him to make up to me. He damn sure did. It felt like we were going for hours. I didn't go home after the baby shower. I went home with him. 

I looked over at the clock it was 4 in the morning. My eyes widen, yeah, we were going for hours. 

"You want another round in the shower?" Von smirked, as he rubbed his hand against my body. 

"Von uh uh. I'm tired." I moved his hand so fast. 

"Come on at least take a shower with me." Von grabbed my hand to sit me up. 

I carefully swung my legs over the bed to stand on my feet. 

"Damn lil' folks nem." He spoke. I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering what he meant. 

"Look." Von pointed at towards the bed. I turned my head to look at my spot. My eyes got big at the puddle I made. 


"How big that shit is you would've thought yo' water broke." He said, which made me check to make sure. 

I sighed out of relief. I was wet but I was dry at the same time. "Shut up don't say that." 

We both walked to the bathroom. Von hugged me from the back. I looked at us in the mirror. I felt complete being in his arms. He rubbed my stomach. Kaylin of course started reacting. I looked down and shook my head. 

"What?" Von asked curiously, as he noticed me shaking my head.

"Kaylin reacting to you per usual." I rolled my eyes smiling. "Aww baby folks nem'." Von rubbed my stomach again and kissed the top of it. 

I broke out of his arms to turn on the shower. 

I made sure the water was good before we stepped inside. "Hold on Ima' grab you a rag." Von stopped himself. 

"Okay." I say, as I patiently waited for my rag. The water felt good against my skin. I closed my eyes feeling the water. 

Von came back with my rag. I immediately started to wash myself up. I let Von wash my back. I turned around to let the water run on me. Von tried to seduce me. "Uh uh Von." I stopped him. 

He smacked his lips and started laughing. "Chill. Ain't nobody tryna' get you." He spoke. 

"Whatever." I waved him off. 

We washed our bodies together. I enjoyed it. Not too long ago I was mad at him yet I'm here with him. 

I wanted to tell him about Kaylin's 3D pictures, but I didn't want to get his hopes up. I mean I just want to be on the safe side because it has been proven facts that there were babies that looked like the alleged father but turned out not to be theirs. 

Lesson learned, do not be sexually active with two men in the same timeline that you were sleeping with the other. 

Von and I got out the shower together. He quickly wrapped me up in a towel. "Thank you." I smiled lowly. 

I walked out of the bathroom to dry myself off. I felt water running down my legs. I looked down to see what it was. I saw a big puddle against my feet. I leaned down to lift my towel up, and my back started hurting. "VON!" 

"What? What's going on?" Von ran out the bathroom barely holding his towel. 

"Oh shit!" 


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