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"He says he's coming up..." I muttered reading Kyree's text. I looked up at Kennedi, she was still holding Kaylin. 

"Cover her face up." Kennedi did what was told and covered up Kaylin's face with her arm. 

Before I knew it, Kyree was knocking on my door. 

"Who's at the door?" Anye announced out of her slumber. She sat up stretching. 

"Kyree." Kennedi looked at her. Anye must've had a weird look upon her face while Kennedi was puzzled trying to see why. 

"I'll get the door." Mama spoken, getting out of her seat. 

She opened it, and in walks Kyree with the biggest smile on his face. "Where is she?" Kyree walked in looking for Kaylin. I noticed all the gifts he had. I thought that it was sweet. 

Anye got up fast brushing pass Kyree to the bathroom covering her mouth. "She's right- Anye you good?" I furrowed my eyebrows curious to know what's wrong with her. 

Kennedi had that same look from earlier. Something isn't right...

"S-she's with me. But she sleep right now." Kennedi spoken. 

"Oh alright." Kyree nodded his head. He came to sit on the end of my bed since majority of the seats were taken. 

"You know you could've called me while you were in labor. I would've been here so you wouldn't have done it alone." Kyree said, making my sister object. 

"She wasn't alone." Kennedi inserted bluntly, blinking her eyes at him. 

"Yeah... I wasn't alone. Ma get the doctor please." Mama nodded her head and walked out of the room. I just looked at Kyree, studying his looks. 

"You really think this DNA test is necessary?" Kyree looked back at me after his question, making me look down at the floors. 

"Kyree- I just have to be sure. I'm just gonna' honest... Kaylin has your complexion. I mean it's a possibility that her skin will be darker but I'm not so sure-" Kyree cut me off. 

"Okay but-" Kyree began to say but I cut him off. 

"No let me finish... She has the other potential father's features. So I just want to be sure." 

Kyree was speechless didn't have anything else to say besides nodding his head. "Oh good you're back." I looked over, the doctor was back yet again. 

I know he's probably like I know this better be the last time. I don't know what she's gonna' do if it's more than two

I laughed to myself. I noticed Anye was still in the bathroom. "Alright I'm just going to take a swab of your cheek, you'll be good to go." The doctor walked up to Kyree on the side of the bed. 

I decided to get up to check up on Anye in the bathroom. "Anye?!" I called, knocking on the door afterwards. 

I could hear her throwing up. "You good?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Yeah that cafeteria fucked my stomach up on bro!" I heard her say.

Kennedi looked at me with a serious look upon her face. I definitely will be saying something after she gets out of the bathroom and when Kyree leaves. 

Hell she might be leaving with him after I get to the bottom of what the fuck is wrong with her. I sat back on my bed. 

"You're done." The doctor took Kyree's sample and slipped it into a concealed bag before leaving out of my room. 

"Thanks for doing this but you can leave now." I told Kyree nonchalantly, making him furrow his eyebrows at me.

"What? You said I could see her after I get swabbed? What's the problem?" Kyree asked, standing up. I stood up to open the door. 

"Leave Kyree. And don't bother causing a scene neither because security can gladly escort you out." I say sternly. Kyree shook his head while getting up from the bed. 

"You got it. Just know if Kaylin is really mine I know my rights." Kyree grilled me before leaving out. 

I shut the door behind him. Just in time, Anye walks out of the bathroom. I crossed my arms looking at her. "Where baby daddy #2 go?" She asked, jokingly. 

"The same place you're about to go. Out. Out of this room." I say, boldly at the door. 

"W-what?" Anye stuttered, sounding so broken. 

"You must think I'm stupid..." I shook my head laughing. 

"Anye I peeped everything. Your tone, demeanor, and your facial expression said it all when Kyree walked in here." 

In that moment she started crying. "Kay it's not like that I swear." Anye cried. 

"Then what the fuck is it?!" My voice risen. I looked over to check on my baby to make sure I didn't scare her. She started moving in her sleep. 

"Kay calm down it's not worth it." Mama came by me to console me. 

"No Mama I just want the truth." I nudged my mom's hand off of my shoulder. 

"Kay I swear it's not like that! He kissed me and I pushed him off of me when he was drunk that one time I went to go get Magic from him! He even tried to touch me Kay!" Anye pleaded. 

"Get out." I felt hot tears streaming down my face. 

"Kay on my granny and on my soul! He did! I never told you considering you were hurting! Kay please believe me!" Anye cried. This girl was even on her knees pleading for me to believe her. 

"Muwop even tried to go after him!" She pleaded. 

"Leave." I shook my head as my tears started coming even more. 

Anye wiped her tears as she got up from her knees. She looked at me before leaving out of my room. I couldn't look at her in the face after that. She lies so much that it's hard to believe it if its true. 

Lied about fucking with Von, made me question our friendship, and a serious allegation like this?? I didn't know how much more I could take that's why I made her leave. 

I walked to my bed, and sat down crying. "Kay breathe." Mama instructed me as she never left my side. 

"Mama I don't know how much heartbreak I can take." I cried. 

"I don't believe her and that's just that. She lies so much. And that face she had told it all." Kennedi said, shaking her leg irritatedly. 

"Ma come take Kaylin, I'm about to go beat her ass." Kennedi was about to get up. 

"No. Sit down!" Mama voice risen. 

"What? Mama my sister is over here crying and you telling me to sit down??!" Kennedi asked, madly. 

"Kennedi it's not worth it." 

"Your sister is right. It's not worth it. Let it go. God sees everything and everything will come to light if it's true." Mama said. 

At this time of my life I don't know what to believe anymore. 


Do yall think Anye is lying or telling the truth based on her reaction?

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