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"Aye she tripping tryna' get that nigga's DNA." My twin spoken on the phone. I stepped away to clear my head to process the shit that happened with Kaydence. 

I couldn't believe her ass. 

"The fucking results right in front of her ass and she just don't see it. Even her mama acknowledge that Kaylin looks like me." 

"You took pictures of her?" Durk asked. 

"Nah gang I didn't even get a chance too..." 

"But she's so light with my eyes. She looks just like me." 

"Maybe she's just scared despite the baby having yo' eyes it really could be folks' baby." 

"Man fuck no. Ain't no way. Kaylin has her grandma's complexion with my eyes. Her dumb ass not realizing that babies can skip generations and take their grandparents looks or complexion. Her mama is light skinned! She still overlooking that!"

"Ion know gang... Ion wanna' see you hurt over this baby. I just think you need to go head and let her test you." 

I shook my head. The reason why I don't want too because I know Kaylin is mine. And I don't want that feeling of me getting attached to find out she's not mine. 

"She looks like Dayvon in a light skin form." 

"That shit don't matter '. Do you not know how many bitches say they got a baby by me just because of my eyes?" 

I laughed shaking my head at my twin's comment. "You ain't lying gang." 

"Exactly. So be a man and get that shit done. And for now, just keep a distance to stop that attachment." 

"Nigga how? I'm in love with Kay's ass. You know that."

"At least just get tested. Shit." I could tell he was shaking his head. 

I mean he might be right to separate from them but help them at a distance until those results come back. "Ight gang." 

I heard two beeps, which indicated I had another call coming in. I looked, it was my sister, Kayla. 

"Hold up I got another call beeping over." 

I clicked over to answer, "Aye twinnn what chu' doing?" 

"Outside and shit collecting my thoughts." 

"Mmm. I heard ole' girl had a baby." Kayla snickered over the phone. 

"Is that what you call me for? Go call yo' hoe ass friends to play gossip." I hung up in her face. Despite already knowing Kay had the baby, Ion like that shit she be tryna' do. 

I looked at my phone to see my twin wasn't on hold anymore. I looked up at the hospital. A part of me wanted to leave. While another part of me wanted to get this test over with. 

I decided to go back inside the hospital to see everyone sleep except for Kay. 

"Von I-" 

I stopped her from saying anything. "Ima' do the test while I wait for the results, I feel like I shouldn't be around Kaylin until then." 

Kay nodded her head, "That's fair..." A tear fell down from her cheek. 

"Okay." She said with her head down. 

"Aye, I still love you lil' folks." I say, trying to make her smile. It worked a little. 

"I love you too." She wiped her tear away. I walked up to her to give her a kiss on her forehead. I looked over at Kaylin. I had to look away quickly. 

Deep down its gonna' hurt to be away but I'm sure she wants separation from me as well. Kaydence told the doctor to come back to swab my cheek before I left the hospital. 

I felt hurt just by leaving but I guess it's for the best. 


After, Von left I cried myself to sleep. A few hours later, Kaylin woke up crying. I got up from my bed to get her. I notice my mom wasn't laying down anymore. I looked over to see the bathroom light was on. I picked up Kaylin up and pulled down my gown a little to get her to latch on. 

"Oh my God I did?!" I heard my Mama say. I was confused at her reaction. 

She finally came out of the bathroom with tears of joy. "Ma what's wrong? What happened?" 

"I beat cancer." My eyes widen as my mouth dropped. And here I go crying again. If I didn't have Kaylin, I promise you I would've thrown my arms up to hug my Mama. 

"Mama I'm so happy for you!" 

She dropped down to her knees and started praying. "Thank you, God." She cried has she had her hands intertwined together. 

"What's going on?" Kennedi popped up, looking weary. 

"Mama beaten Cancer." Kennedi's eyes got big, and she got up from the couch to go hug Mama. "This is great news! I get to live!" Mama cheered gracefully. 

I looked over Anye was still sleeping. Damn. 

"Where's Von?" Mama looked around. 

My face dropped. "H-he's gonna' be away from Kaylin and I for a while." I stuttered as I got choked up on my own words. 

Mama and Kennedi's face dropped as well. "B-but why?" Kennedi's eyebrows furrowed as she was confused and concerned at the situation. 

"It's just- Can we talk about this another time?" I tried to change the subject. 

Mama and Kennedi looked at me before nodding their heads. I'm sure they can tell I'm hurting. Hurting at the fact I pushed Von away from Kaylin and I. Least I know he still loves me, but I want him to love me and Kaylin. I know he loves her but it's still a chance where she might not be his. The moment we find out the truth we'll be a happy family together. 

Along with her two other siblings. 

I rocked Kaylin back to sleep. 

I was so tired. I might have to rethink breast feeding Kaylin, that way I don't have to prepare to breastfeed her or be up just so she can eat. 

"I'll watch her for you Kay. You look stressed." Kennedi must've noticed how drain I was already. 

I nodded my head. I burped Kaylin, noticing she still wasn't sleep. I just gave her to Kennedi. I laid back down in my bed. I told Kyree to come to the hospital to get swabbed. 

I wasn't sure about letting him see Kaylin. Despite me telling him that he could see her after he gets tested. 

Her eyes are a dead giveaway. That's why Kennedi is going to keep her until we get his DNA so he could leave. 

All of this is so devastating. All I want is for Kaylin to have her daddy in her life. I thought I was prepared to do the whole testing, and etc. But I didn't know Von and I were going to rekindle our romance. It all felt so good at the moment just shit happened so fast that I felt like I wasn't prepared. 

Hopefully this nightmare for Kaylin and me will be over soon. 


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