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"Exactly. A pathological liar that you believe. But since you wanna' believe her so much get out of my house." Kay said seriously as she pointed at the door. 

I grabbed her arm, and pulled her close to me as I pull her in a kiss. To my surprise Kay was kissing me back. I was about to take her clothes off but she stopped me. 

"V-von I just had the baby." Kay said in between kisses. 

"Fuck." I cursed as I looked down at her eyes. She was feening for me. I can't lie... Yeah I was feening for her too. 

Kay pulled me down to kiss her again. She keep on she gone be back pregnant fucking with me. Kay got down on her knees, she was about to pull my pants down until the baby started crying upstairs. 

"Fuck..." Kay whispered covering her face while standing back up. 

"Ima be back-" Kay was about to go upstairs to get Kaylin but I stopped her. 

"No... Let me get her." I insisted. 

"Von I told you-" Kay began to say. 

"No- And I'm telling you I'm finna' get her Kay." I say sternly. I'm tired of her pushing me away especially from my baby. 

I did a lot of thinking these past few days. She ain't doing nothing but pushing me away from her and the baby. 

Kay stood there dumbfounded as I went upstairs to check on my baby

Baby folks nem' was so small and tiny. I picked her up to rock her back to sleep. I could tell she was still tired. Must've scared my baby. "My bad baby folks. Daddy be trippin' sometimes." 

Kaylin opened her eyes. Her looks didn't change much. Her eyes told me everything I needed to know because Dayvon and True has my eyes. 

That bitch ass nigga doesn't have my eye shape. Kaylin is mine. 

Kaylin stopped crying after she heard my voice. We stared at each other for a long time. "Yeah you're definitely my baby fasho." I chuckled at Kaylin. 

She was starting to fall back to sleep. I noticed when she was in a deep sleep she had a little smile. "Yeah you gone be bad as hell." I shook my head laughing at her. 

Kaylin's my seed she definitely gonna' be bad. I heard a little laughter coming from the door. I turned to see Kaydence standing at the door smiling at me and Kaylin. 

"What chu' laughing at?" 

"You talking to Kaylin." Kaydence snickered at us. I shook my head at her laughing a little. 

"Give me my baby talking all that nonsense." Kay walked up to me as I was holding Kaylin on my chest. 

I mugged Kay, "Aye watch out." 

Kay smacked her lips, gasping at my response. "Fine you might could do this better than me anyway." I carefully gave Kaylin to Kay so she can lay her down. 

"Motherhood compliments you so well." I watched Kaydence how she took care of our daughter. Yeah I'm claiming her. 

"Thank you." Kay smiled lowly, I could tell she was blushing. She kept trying to look away. I stood behind her holding her close. 

I caressed her stomach as I intertwined my hands together. I rest my chin against her shoulder. I missed her. 

Kay turned around to me. She grabbed my face and kissed me on my lips. We kept kissing until my phone vibrated in my pocket. 

I pulled away to see who's calling me. It was Track. "Oh shit! I forgot I left the studio." 

"Oh so you left the studio to come argue with me?" Kay asked, putting both of her hands on her hips to look at me. 

"Watch out." I chuckled walking from Kaydence. 

Kay grabbed my hand to stop me. "Wait..." 

I was finna' say some' smart because she always be quick to push me away. Maybe this time is different because she's stopping me from leaving. 

"Look... I know how you feel about Kaylin. I thought I was doing the right thing keeping you from her incase what if she's not yours. But the way you look and treat her... She's already yours." Kay said sincerely. She smiled at me. 

I walked back to her. Kay pulled me in her arms for a hug. I hugged her tightly. "Yall don't have to want for nothing. I got yall both. And Kay... Kaylin is my daughter. All of my kids came out with my eyes. Different mamas but they always come out with my eyes. Just because she's light skinned doesn't mean anything. Besides that come from genetics anyway or she might get her true complexion later on. But the bottom line is... That's my baby. And I'm not going to continue being away from her." I stated to Kay. 

She nodded her head for her response. She knows I mean it. 

"And no DNA test can tell me different. Them eyes... There's no denying that. She looks too much like me." 

"Hold on now. She looks like me. I played a part in creating her." Kay objected. 

"Shittt on bro' now you know I did most of the work." 

Kay rolled her eyes and waved me off. My phone vibrated again, I looked, it was Track again.

"Look lil' folks I gotta' go back and finish this verse. I promise I'll be back for yall later." 

"Okay. I love you." Kay nodded her head as she hugged me again. 

"I love you too." I looked down at her eyes, and kissed her. I don't know what spell Kay has on me but she changed me. Changed me for the better, the greater good. 

I looked back to see Kaylin still asleep. I leaned down to kiss her forehead. I walked out of Kaylin's room. I definitely didn't walk out without having thoughts. 

I want all of my kids in one household, including my girl. I told Kay I wanted to be serious about her this time. I told her this way before the baby came and I'm sticking to my word, and about that house in Atlanta that I'm closing the deal for next week. 

She just don't know about her surprise but that's only if she accepts it or not. We just can't keep being in that same repeated cycle. We so in love with each other just to be away from each other. 

I wanna' be in love for real this time with Kaydence. No back and forth just her, me, and the baby. Ion need no DNA test to tell me if that's my baby because she is my baby. 


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