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"Von!" I woke up to see I was at the studio. With the same clothes from earlier. Muwop, Asia, Louie, Baylo, and Tee was in the same clothes too. 

"The fuck? Aye how long have I been sleep gang?" I furrowed my eyebrows out of curiosity. 

"Bitch that edible made you forget? Damn I'm tryna' get that high." Baylo laughed at my confusion. 

"Where Kay at? Did I go see Kay?" 

"Fuck? Nigga you ain't see Kay since she had the baby." Muwop snickered. Now I'm getting mad. So that shit was a dream? I'm finna' go see my girl. Fuck that. 

"Did Anye come by tweaking out?" I looked around. 

"Now I know yo' ass was fried cause' who the fuck is Anye?" Muwop said, making everybody laugh. 

"Bitch stop playing." 

"Aye stop fucking with that nigga." Baylo chuckled. 

"Nah Anye ass did come here tweaking and shit. Bitch say she pregnant but I ain't believing shit until I see a pregnancy test." Muwop scoffed shaking his head. 

"Ain't it. Cause' bitches love to fake pregnancies especially when niggas don't want them." Asia sassed. 

"Anye crazy but Ion think that bitch that crazy to fake a pregnancy." Louie shook his head while flicking his lighter to spark up the blunt. 

"Mannn gang ion know. This shit weird." I stood up from the couch. 

"What's weird?" Muwop asked curiously. 

"Cause' that- nah Ima' be right back." I shook my head walking out of the studio. That dream fucked my head up. It fucked my head up a lot because that's something that I wanted. 

I wanted that family shit with Kay and the baby. I gotta' make it right. Same way I did in the dream but in a different way. 

Some shits you gotta' grow up on. If I really wanna' be with Kay and be a family with her and Kaylin I gotta' prove it. Gotta' prove it to myself and most importantly Kaydence. 


"You just can't help ya' self. You can't stay away from her." I shook my head at my mom. 

Mama picked up Kaylin and held her close. "Have your dad been over to see her yet?" Mama asked. 

I shook my head no as my response. "I sent him pictures of her. He didn't say much besides congratulations. Yall divorce might be taking a toll on him..."

Mama sighed and laid Kaylin back down in her crib to look at me. "Look... It's hard on us both. I didn't know Kennedi was Korbin's until I secretly did a DNA test on her when she was 5." Mama spoken. 

"Did you tell Kennedi that?" I blinked my eyes as they started to water. It is such a sad thing about what my parents and sister is going through. 

"No... I haven't talked to Kennedi about it. But I'm going too soon." Mama said, before I leaned away from the doorway to leave out of Kaylin's room. 

Mama followed behind me to go downstairs. 

"I still see Von isn't around in Kaylin's life." Mama spoken, I turned around to look at her before I went to go sit in the living room. She followed behind me still. 

"Ma- Don't." I tried to stop her. She's speaking on something that I'm persistent on. 

"Kay... When are you going to realize that Von doesn't need no DNA test to know that Kaylin is his. I feel like you're more scared because she's light skinned but you never know she might get that from me." I reached over to grab my remote off the table to cut the TV on so I can ignore my mom more. 

"Kaydence. Do not make the same mistake I did." Mama looked at me seriously. I looked back at her. I could tell she meant every word. 

"Ma... As soon as those results comes back I promise you Kaylin will have a father in her life." 

"She needs her father now Kaydence. Deep down as much you don't want to admit it, you know that's Von's baby." Mama said. I blinked my eyes at her comment to look back at the TV. 

"Mama... I just want to be sure okay? I don't want my baby to get attached and then what if he's not her daddy huh? That's gonna' mess up their bond and Kaylin for good." 

"What you think I should just let her be around Von and Kyree? It wouldn't be fair if one spent time with her while the other one is just curious." 

"Wha- Kaydence! To hell with Kyree! That's Von's child! You are not making this situation any better by doing what you're doing! Von knows it, your sister knows it, hell even I know! Deep down you do too!" Mama went off on me. 

"You think what you're doing is right when its not. And I'm your mama I'm gonna' tell you what you're doing is wrong. I didn't keep your daddy from you." Mama said. 

Yeah but you kept Kennedi from hers. I thought out loud. 

Mama gasped looking at me, "Wow... Damn I can't believe you just said that." 

"What- what? No... Ma-" Mama blinked her eyes realizing what I said. She got up from the couch to walk away and leave. 

"Mama I didn't mean too-" 

"No but you said it. One day you, your sister, and your father will have to forgive me. I know you what you think what you're doing is right? But think about this conversation, and think about how Kaylin might feel the same way you feel." Mama said at the door. 

I was silent I didn't know what to say. I couldn't believe I said that out loud. The door shut and my stomach felt like it dropped. 

I shouldn't have said it. Saying it is twice as worse than thinking it. I felt like crying but I feel like I done enough crying this year. 

Maybe what she said was right about Kaylin. It would kill me if Kaylin said what I said to my mother. Maybe I do need to stop being stubborn... 

I was about to grab my phone to call Von but I stopped due to someone knocking on my door. I got up to answer the door. I looked in the peephole. I gasped. 



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