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Tour date is coming up. And I had no plans on going despite Anye's begging the night before. I was focusing on my baby while they go for 3 months. I'll be 7 months by the time they come back. Anye is flying back in a month to plan my baby's gender reveal.

She doesn't want me knowing until the party. So that means my mama has to go. I don't want Kennedi to have no parts. I forgive my sister but I won't forget that she put her hands on me especially while I'm pregnant. She's the same one who wanted me to keep it though.

Aside from family drama, today I was going out to do some pampering. Like getting my nails and hair done.

I got my nails done first and saved for my hair to get done last. "Hey you have an appointment?" The receptionist asked. "Yes with Trina at 3."

"Okay she'll be ready for you in a sec." I nodded my head, dismissing myself from the receptionist. I sat down to wait in the waiting room. I noticed a light skinned woman with pretty straight hair with big brown eyes. She was reading a magazine. She looked like she was friendly so I decided to sit beside her.

"Oooh your nails is pretty." The girl noticed my nails as I sat down. "Thank you." I said with a gentle smile. "Your welcome." I noticed her chain, PRETTY T. "I like your chain. It's really nice."

"Thank you. My brother got it made for me." I rose my eyebrows as my eyes widen. "Damn." I watched how it glistened in the sun. "Yeah it's really nice." I complimented the chain again.

"Thank you." She smiled again. "I'm Tania." The girl introduced herself to me. "I'm Kaydence. Nice to meet you."

"If you don't mind me asking are you from the city?' Tania asked curiously. "Why? I don't sound like it?" I laughed a little at her curiosity.

"No. Listen to my voice. Yours sounds nothing like mine." Tania said. "Well I'm from the suburbs of Chicago but I do live in the city now."

We continued conversing until I heard the clacks of Trina's footsteps. "Hey Kay you ready?" Trina spoken, making me turn my head to her direction.

"Yes. I'm ready." I stood up on my feet from my chair. "It was nice meeting you by the way!" Tania called out for me as I started walking to follow Tania. "It was nice meeting you too!" I turned in her direction before I continued walking.

"Now what you been up too? Because that bump says you been busy." Trina greeted me when I sat down in her chair.

I bust out laughing because she pulled that line on me. "I guess you can say that."

"Don't tell me Kyree stop pulling out?" Trina asked as she put a chair cloth around my neck.

"Girl." I laughed, little do she know it's either his or Von's seed.

"On that note I take that as a yes." Trina smiled, while taking out her hair utensils.

"So what are you getting done? Curly or straight this time?" Trina asked. She knows my usual since she's done my hair before.

"I think I want straight hair this time." Trina took my hair out of my bonnet. "Extensions too?" She asked. I nodded my head. "Yes."

"Bet. And you washed and conditioned already?" Trina questioned. "Ya' know it." I said with a small smile.

"Okay bet." After Trina said that, she began to put in work.

When she was finished I had to take a picture. "Thank you." I stood up to hug her after giving her the money, and her tip. "Come back and see me." Trina said in our hug. 

"I will." I smiled before breaking out of our hug. I kept having the smile on my face because I was thinking that this will be day one of glowing. Especially with no men or family interfering. 

"Oooh let me see your hair."  Anye said, while on FaceTime. I showed her my hair, and she was gassing my ass up. "Who was all at the shop today?" Anye asked. "Ya' know everybody, the usual. But I met a girl today. She seemed like she was cool."

"Who?" Anye almost broke her neck trying to figure out who. "Her name is Tania. You might actually know her." I shrugged my shoulders. "I might. Describe her." I began to describe Tania to her. 

She ended smacking her lips at the end of her description. "You talking about Durk and Dthang's little sister." Anye answered. "Durk? Oh shit." My eyes widen. "Yeah that's their little sister. You might see her more often." Anye said with a small smile. 

"And how is that? I'm not with Von." I rose one eyebrow. "You his baby mama though."  I sighed at that word. I got tired of putting up a fight on correcting people about my baby's daddy. People gone believe what they wanna' believe until it's too late. 

"He asked about you to me today." Anye muttered with a small smile. "Honestly I don't care. I'm just trying to focus on me right now. And with yall leaving it's best I should." 

"You know you gonna' miss us." Anye teased. I didn't respond because it wasn't a lie. I was gonna' miss them but I have to put my baby and my health first. 

Kyree interrupted our conversation by beeping over on the FaceTime call. At first I was going to answer but instead I declined it. This day one of Kaydence's healing journey. I breathed in then exhaled. "You good?" Anye asked on the phone. 

"Yeah I am." I nodded my head with a warming smile. 


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