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Tomorrow was the day they leave for tour. Anye and I had our dinner, but she wanted me to stop pass Muwop's before they go. I was hesitant at first because what if I seen Von. But Anye done a lot of shit for me that no one would ever do. It's the least I could do which was be there for her. So, I pulled up anyway.

I noticed there were cars already but I didn't care. I was still gonna' show my face. I walked to the front door. Muwop answered with a plate of food. "Hey Kay. Come in." Muwop greeted me with a side hug. I'm looking around like are they celebrating they departure for tour?

"Hey Muwop." I walked in as he let me aside. "Kayyy. I'm so glad you came for me." Anye came out of the kitchen to hug me. "You know that I wouldn't miss not coming for the world." I hugged her back.

"ANYE YOU BURNING SHIT IN THE KITCHEN!" I heard Booka yell. "Boy shut up! And that's Baylo's ass thinking he can cook!" Anye turned around to yell back at Booka. "I ain't burning shit! Shut up!" Baylo retorted.

"I ain't bout' to stand for yall motherfuckers yelling in my house!" Muwop inserted himself in the argument.

"And your girlfriend is here." Anye teased him. "Girl." I laughed playfully rolling my eyes. The door opened, and in walks Von with Asian. Anye grabbed my arm, "Look I told him I don't want none of that rah rah shit going on in our celebration. And his bitch? She knows better. She got one time and Ima' burn her ass with my hot skillet." Anye assured me. I nodded my head.

I tried my best not to look at Von again. I glanced at him, and we kind of made eye contact. He broke out of it though, quickly.

"You hungry?" Anye asked, making me snap out of my distraction. "No." My stomach made a growling noise louder than me saying no. "Sounds like he saying yes." Anye laughed, pointing at my stomach. I shook my head, because I literally just ate.

"I guess I can eat. And Anye you keep saying he, what if it's a she?!" I exclaimed, while she took me into the kitchen. "And I'll be wrong. But I really hope it's a boy." Anye said, while grabbing me a plate.

This girl was spoiling me a lot. Well actually she was spoiling this baby. I felt a breeze behind me. I turned around, it was Von. We ended up bumping into each other a little bit. "I'm sorry." I breathed out nervously.

He didn't say anything but went to the back door. "Girl don't pay him no mind. You know he acting funny because of that bitch is here." Anye rolled her eyes, while making my plate. She was right.

"Anye it's fine. I'm not worried." I shrugged my shoulders. My hormones be fucking with me a lot. But when Von is around it's a lot worse than I think. When I'm not around him it's like I know exactly what I want. But my body reacts to him a lot.

I guess it's this baby. "Kay I'm letting you know now if you want a second plate get some. Because these motherfuckers fat as hell." Anye said. "No I'm good." I shook my head no, with a small laugh.

"Okay, I put everything you like on there." Anye gave me my plate. I looked at it, it was like I was literally eating for two. My eyes widen a little bit. "Thank you." I replied.

I was about to go in the dining room but Anye stopped me. "Uh uh, we eating outside just like the everybody else." Anye grabbed her plate out of the microwave. Baylo cut the oven off before going outside.

"Come on Kay. We outside!" Anye stuck her tongue out while we walked out to the backyard. I looked around at the scenery. Everyone was pretty much doing their own thing. I noticed Von at a table playing cards with Muwop and all them.

"You wanna' sit with them or you want our own table?" Anye asked. "It don't matter." I shrugged my shoulders. I should've known that she was gonna' want to sit with the guys.

They all were talking while I ate in my own world. In silence. Von paid me no mind until his girlfriend came over at the table to sit on his lap.

I rolled my eyes a little to the point where I got annoyed. But I'm not gonna' start no drama so I got up to throw my plate away. Anye noticed my departure. "Kay you good?" Anye called out to me.

"Yeah I'm okay. I'm just gonna' go inside for a bit!" I told her at the back door. "Okay I'ma be in the in a second with you!" Anye replied.

"No you're good. I'll be okay!" I threw my plate away at the trash can before going inside. I walked to the sink to wash my hands. A few moments later, Von came inside while I was drying my hands.

"Hey..." I muttered. He gave me a headnod for his response while pouring a cup of dussé. "I know we're not on that level to have a decent conversation but I do hope that you kill it on tour."

"Thanks... Lil' folks." He muttered the last part. I smiled lowly, hoping he didn't notice it.

Von took a sip out of his cup. "I see you showing more." Von said while sipping in his cup.

"Yeah." I looked down at my stomach that was visibly poking out.

"Did your bruise go away?" Von questioned, making me look up. "It's almost gone but its still there."

"Can I see it?" Von asked, "My stomach?"
"Yeah." He answered. "Uh yeah. Sure." Von walked up to me. He kind of stumbled a bit on me but I caught him by grabbing his shirt.

I slowly looked up at him. He was looking down at me so I pulled him into a kiss. Not really a hungry lust kiss just a good luck and good bye kiss.

Von griped on to my shirt as we kissed. I could tell he wanted more, and I should let him one last time. Soo I can redeem myself as well. But I couldn't.

I pulled away and looked into his eyes, "You'll do great on tour... With your girlfriend." I pushed him on his chest. I walked away from him leaving him dumbfounded to go back outside.

Dismissing him like that was my way of being mature. I wanted more but at the same time I have to take control of me. I can't let my body react to something I want when I know I can't have.

I know Von wanted me more than ever. If he didn't he would've continued with that act he had before.

I walked back to the table we all were sitting at. "Kay you good?" Anye asked me. " Yeah. Yeah I am." I nodded my head with a fake smile.


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