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"Hey baby." Asian woke up greeting me. "You ready for tour?" She asked with her eyes closed in her smile. "Yeah gang. I'm always ready." I chuckled, before getting off of the bed.

Asian leaned up with her lips puckered. I leaned down to kiss her back. "I'm finna' take a shower." I told her. "I wanna' take one with you." Asian pouted.

"Chill with all that. We gotta' go." I chuckled at her before grabbing my phone to go to the bathroom. I clicked on Kaydence's contact. I was about to send her a long message before I decided to erase it all over.

I sat my phone down on the sink.

Truth is last night did happen. But it'll probably never happen again especially at our circumstances now. I still meant it. I love her. And she loves me too.

I cut on the shower before stepping in. I grabbed my rag as I started washing up. I heard the door creek. It was Asian's ass, standing naked with a towel wrapped around her.

I smacked my lips, "Come on man." I chuckled as I shook my head. Asian smiled before dropping her towel. Crazy ass.

She stepped into the shower. I let her get in front of me so she could get the hot water. Asian began to wash herself off. After she rinsed off, she walked up to me, pulling me into a kiss.

I kissed her back but I pulled away, knowing she was on one. "Chill man."

"I'm not doing anything." Asian said with a devious smirk plastered on her face. Asian pressed her body against me, as she leaned in kissing on my chest.

Asian squat down while she brushed her hands against my abs. When she looked up at me I started seeing blurs of Kaydence. I shook my head, trying to shake it off but I still kept seeing Kaydence.

My phone started ringing, making me turn back into the sink. "Hold on right quick." Asian smacked her lips. I stepped outside of the shower to answer the phone. It was my manager Track. "Hello?" I answered.

"We outsideee."


Hours have passed, and I think they already gone. A part of me was sad that they left but I'll be okay. This was just day one of healing. I got up to fix me breakfast to start my day. After, eating I was gonna' wash Anye's covers and sheets.

I feel bad for having sex in my friend's bed. But what she don't know won't hurt. My phone was ringing. By the tone it sounded like Kyree or my mama. I walked to pick it up on the counter. I read it, Kennedi.

I answered the phone, "What's up? What you want?" I said it in a spiteful tone.

"Look I know you still have beef with me but I can't stand us not talking Kay." Kennedi spoken on the phone, sounding all sincere and shit.

"Mhm." I said, in a nonchalant manner. "I'm sorry for putting my hands on you. I told myself I wouldn't ever do it again. Especially since you're carrying my niece or nephew." She tried to assure me.

"I forgive you for that but the words you said to me were cruel."

"That doesn't matter-" She tried to say, "You told me that every time I'm around nothing but bad shit happens." I felt my eyes welling up to tears because that hurt me. And that fucked with my mental for a good minute.

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