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"Oh, Kyree what you are doing here?" I asked, as I stepped towards the door. I guess he noticed my post about my house being finish. 

"I brought you and the baby more stuff..." He had a bunch of bags in his hand. Kennedi took them out of his arms and hands. 

"Hold on I got one more gift for you." Kyree walked to his car while Kennedi took the gifts upstairs. 

Kyree opened his backdoor. Magic ran out of his car so fast. He even had on a pink collar for his sister. "Magic!" I felt a tear coming down my eye. He came to me and jumped on my legs. 

"Hug? Can I have a hug?" I speak. 

Magic sat down, wagging his tail excitedly. I wrapped my arms around him to give him a hug. He started smelling my stomach. 

"Yeah, that's your sister." 

I told Kyree, a week after the gender reveal that the baby was a girl. He was so hype but I know deep down he's still puzzled about her potentially not being his. 

"Thank you, Kyree." I leaned up to give him a hug. He gave me a hug back. "I see the house back up and running. It looks good." Kyree said, as I let him. 

"Yeah, they told me the house was ready. I was so happy that didn't have to be a couch potato in somebody else's bed." I say, jokingly. 

"I'm sure you weren't a burden to them." Kyree said, to lighten up the joke. 

"Yeah, I know." I smiled lowly. 

"You wanna' come see her room?" I asked, sparking up another conversation. 

"Yeah sure. Why not?" He replied. We both walked upstairs to Kaylin's room. 

"Majority of her stuff is put together. We just have this crib..." I trailed off, hoping he'd step in to fix it. My lazy ass...

"I can put it together for yall." Kyree offered. 

"PLEASE!" Mama spoken, giving up on the crib. Kyree laughed at her reaction. 

"You are so dramatic." Kennedi looked at her and shook her head. I laughed at them going in on each other. 

Kyree got down on the floor to fix the crib. "Now since Magic is back, I think we need to put up that gate." Mama stood up, pointing at the unopened gate I had against the closet. 

"Ma, we don't have to put that up yet." I smacked my lips and gave her a look with my hand on my hip. 

"What! I'm just playing safe!" She said, knowing it's way more than that. Mama wasn't fond of Magic when Kyree got him for us. 

I guess because she knew eventually, he was gonna' grow. 

When Kyree finished the crib, I was having an awe moment. My baby is really finna' come soon. I can't wait, felt like I've been pregnant forever. 

"Aww..." Mama was having a moment too. She even started crying. Kennedi went over to the crib, and picked up the pink teddy bear that was sitting in Kaylin's crib. 

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