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It's been a month since I heard from Von or saw Kyree. And I'm actually doing better than what I was really doing. I'm back working again. My car is in the shop. My house is still in the same condition it's been in. But have been getting some work slightly put into it.

"It feels nice seeing your face again." Ramell complimented me as I walked passed him. I smirked at the compliment. Ramell always has been cute to me, while working here. We just never hit it off because of Kyree. And Kyree let that be known when he entered my life.

Anyway, I was walking to my patient, Ms. Denise's room. "Good morning Ms. Denise." I smiled as I entered her room. "Good morning." Normally she's grumpy but for some reason she's in a good mood.

She never tells me "Good morning." That puts me in a even better mood. "How did you sleep last night? Was it good?" I asked her, while helping her sit up against her headboard. "Mhm. I-I had a dream." Ms. Denise answered back.

I leaned her head up to fix her pillow. "A dream?" My eyebrows risen. She told me she never has dreams each time I ask her every morning. Which was a good thing. "Yeah. I-I had a dream about fish." Ms. Denise said.

"Oh reall-" I cut myself off, as my stomach started to feel queasy. "What's wrong?" Ms. Denise looked at me. "Excuse me for a second." I said quickly as I exited out of her room. I across the hall to get to the bathroom that was near.

I made it to the toilet so I could empty out my insides. As I was throwing up, I heard the bathroom door swung open. "Kay you good?!" Anye asked. I knew that voice from anywhere. I tried to answer her but I kept throwing up.

"I take that as a no." Anye leaned down to help pull my hair up from out of my face. I finally finished. I felt out of breath as I panted for air. "I'm fine Anye." I told her. I looked down at the toilet to see that it was practically my whole breakfast.

Something wasn't right in my food. "Must've been that Yolk I had earlier." I reached over to grab tissue to wipe my mouth. She helped me cleaned up. I went to look in the mirror. I messed up my scrubs.

Anye put her hand against my forehead. "Kay you running a fever. You're sure you good?" Anye examined my face. "What? No I'm not." I touched my skin. It was a little warm.

"Nah. You can't work in yo' condition. I'm finna' tell Greg." Anye walked out of the bathroom. "Anye!" I called. She ignored me. "Shit." I hit slammed my hand against the sink counter.

I washed my hands then walked out of the bathroom. "Kaydence are you alright?" Ramell asked, concerned. "Yes. I'm okay Ramell." I assured him.

I saw Anye walking with our boss Greg. He was always nice and cool to me. "Are you okay Kaydence?" He asked. I nodded my head. "I think it was my food this morning-"

"I checked her forehead, she's running a fever." Anye spoken. "That's not good. You can't work nor help your patients in that condition. I'm sending you home early. Anye will make sure Ms. Denise is taken of." Greg told me. I nodded my head.

After signing off my timesheet I went to go wait outside for my sister. When I got in the car she was so curious to know what's wrong with me. "Kay why you get sent home? They never send you home. If anything they ready for yo' ass to work." Kennedi said with an attitude.

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