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Kema had the baby. I came in time to see them in the hospital. I brought my daughter, True, with me so she could see her little brother. 

I was holding True in my arms, as we entered Kema's room. Muwop, Tee, Baylo, and Kayla came for support. Kema's face lit up when she saw all of us. "I didn't think you were gonna' make it..." She said in shock. 

"Girl bye. You knew we were coming." Kayla waved her off before walking over to her bed to hug her. 

Kema had the baby in her arms. "I wanna' hold my baby. Let me seeee." Kayla was about to pick my son up. 

"Uh uh folks let me see my son first." Kayla smacked her lips and moved out of the way. "You see your baby brother?" I looked at True. 

True babbled something out of her lips then she repeated the word: "Baby." 

"Yeah lil' folks that's your brother, Dayvon." I put True down on her feet before I went to reach for my son. Kayla picked up True, so she wouldn't run off. 

"Careful now. Don't drop my baby." Kema said, as I picked him up carefully. 

I smiled looking at my son. "He looks just like you twin." Kayla said. 

"Nah that's his real twin." Muwop retorted, making everybody laugh. 

"Ain't it." Tee and Baylo said in unison.S

"Fuck you Muwop." Kayla flicked him off. True tried to do, "Aye!" 

Kayla started laughing and put True's hands down. "Where's lil' tonio?" Kema asked. 

"Girl with his daddy." Kayla rolled her eyes. 

I sat down in a chair. "Aye bring her over here so she could see him." Kayla brought True to me. She sat her on the other side of my lap. I lowered Dayvon, carefully to her level. 

"You see yo' little brother?" True reached up and stared at him. She started smiling and tried to poke him. 

"Uh uh True." Kayla laughed, and everybody else laughed, including True. 

"Ion know if she tryna' see if his ass alive or what. Aye this not no baby doll. He for real." I looked and told her. 

She was giggling some more. Dayvon's eyes started to open. He has his mama's eyes but this little nigga my twin. 

"When are they letting yall come home?" I looked at Kema. 

"In two days. I can't wait." She spoke. Dayvon started to cry, "Where his paci at?" 

"Boy he's hungry. He doesn't want no damn paci." Kayla came over to take Dayvon to his mama. 

True started to cry, holding her arms out. "I w-wan baby." True cried. 

Everybody started laughing at True's reaction. Even I did. I shook my head at her and adjusted her as she was facing me to give her a hug. "My crybaby." I rubbed her back. 

She calmed down a bit while I kept rubbing her back. 

"You gone see baby in a minute." I told her so she can calm down some more. Everybody laughed when I said that. All I could do was shake my head at my crybaby. 

After, awhile everybody left. True and I stayed with Kema and the baby. I even fell asleep how long we stayed there. Kema and I talked. We played catch up for a bit. I told her about Asian and I breaking up. Even Kaydence too minus the pregnant part. 

Kay hasn't been open for real about her pregnancy. 

"I just think if you really want her Von, you will prove it to her." Kema advised me. 

I just thought she's being all nice now but once she finds out about Kaylin all that nice shit out the window. 

"You right. I just gotta' do something..." I thought. 

"Damn you really done with Asian?" Kema asked. I nodded my head seriously. 

"Yall broke up before and did all that last time just for yall to get back together." Kema gave me that look. 

"Nah I'm for real this time." 

"Alright playa don't get caught slipping now." Kema said. 

"Man whatever." I waved her off with a laugh. 


Kennedi, our Mama, and I had a long day moving Kaylin and I's stuff in my house. Right now we were setting up Kaylin's room. "So where is Kaylin's stuff from both her daddies?" Mama asked, looking around. 

We were sitting on the floor trying to put Kaylin's crib together. 

"I mean majority Von paid of her stuff. Kyree bought her clothes and a bassinet. I bought her clothes, and essentials for her and myself." 

"I was finna' say cause' I know you wasn't finna' buy all this shit by yourself." Mama spat. 

"Mama chill out." Kennedi furrowed her eyebrows at our Mama. 

"Don't you start with me Kennedi." Mama pointed at her while trying to assemble a piece of Kaylin's crib together. 

"How are you and Von doing anyway Kaydence?" Mama asked. Ever since I told her about Von, she's been fond of him. Even will ask about him here and there. 

"He's alright I guess... I don't know." I shrugged my shoulders. 

"Are you inviting either one of them to your baby shower?" She asked. 

I shrugged my shoulders again. "No. I don't want neither of them at the shower. Honestly Ma I'm just ready for this to be over with so I can live in peace with my daughter. Whoever her father is can choose whether they want to be in her life or not. I really don't care anymore." 

"Alright..." Mama said, dropping the situation. 

To be honest I came to a point where I don't care if I do a DNA test or not and shun Kaylin from both of them. But it's like I can't because I can't do that to Kaylin. I had/ have my father in my life. She's just an innocent child, I can't just take her away from her daddy. 

Before the results come, Ima' give them both a chance to see Kaylin one time. I just know they both will be attached. 

That's just the hardest part. 

A knock on the front door took us by surprise. "Ima' go get it." Kennedi stood up to go grab the door. 

"Who is it?" Kennedi asked. I couldn't hear the person's voice. I heard the door open, "Kay! Somebody is here for you." Kennedi yelled downstairs. 

I stood up carefully on my feet. I walked downstairs. Once I got to the last step, Kennedi opened the door more, revealing who was at the door. I gasped at the person. 


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