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"I'm so nervous." I fanned myself while getting my makeup and hair done. "Kay what you so nervous about?" Trinity asked, while doing my hair.

"I'm just nervous about finding out what gender I'm having." Also remembering the part where I have to tell Von and Kyree.

"Look I promise that feeling will go away as soon as you know." Trinity assured me. I nodded my head listening. My phone vibrated on my lap. It was a message from Von and Kyree. I shook my head and turned my phone off.

I shouldn't be focus on that right now. What I should be focused on is finding out what my baby is. "You're right." I told Trinity as I readjusted myself in the chair.

"All done." Remi, Trinity's makeup artist leaned up from my face. I was about to reach for a mirror. "Uh uh. You can't see until I'm done." Trinity said. I sighed with a small smile.

"What you think you're having?" Trinity asked, while curling the next strand of my hair. "My mom thinks I'm having a girl but I feel like I'm having a boy." I looked down and rubbed my belly.

"Your mama could be right. Your stomach sets at the bottom." Trinity said. I shrugged my shoulders, "Well least the wait is over though." She said with an eager voice to cheer me up. I gave her a small smile back.

"Yeah." I agreed with her. "And you're done." Trinity leaned over to give me a mirror, and she even turned me into the vanity, to see a full reflection.

"Wow." I say, to myself. Damn I look good as fuck.

"Amen to that self confidence." Trinity said a loud making my eyes widen. I started laughing, "Oh my God I said that loud."

"Ain't nothing wrong with that Kay. I love to hear that." She said. I leaned up against the vanity to grab my purse. I unzipped my purse to get my wallet. "Uh uh." Trinity put her hand against my wrist.

"What?" I looked up at her. "Girl put that shit away." Trinity whispered with a stern demeanor. She even had her hand on my wrist trying to stop me from paying her.

"What- why?" I asked, with my eyebrows furrowed.

"It's on the house. Now go get dressed and get ready for your big day." Trinity said, and I wanted to cry after that. "Thank you." I turned around to give her a hug. She hugged me back. When she pulled away, I had my finger against my eye. Trying to stop that forming tear.

"You're welcome. And hey no tears." Trinity advised me. I smiled at her before grabbing my stuff to leave out of the salon.

While walking to my car, I was receiving a phone call from Kennedi. "Hello?" I answered.

"Your hair and makeup done yet?" Kennedi spoken through the phone. "Yeah it's done." I told her as I went to go sit in my car.

"Okay." She replied. "Why? Did I take long?" I asked curiously. "No, just on time actually. Anye left your dress at my house. So I guess you can get dressed over here." She said.

"I-is Mama over there?"

"Yeah she's here. But come on we're waiting to see you." Kennedi said. "Okay. I'm on my way." I said with a small laugh. "Alright. See you soon." She replied.

"Bye." I ended our phone call.

"Awww Kay." Mama greeted me as I walked inside of Kennedi's home. I smiled a little. Mama walked up to me and gave me a hug. I hugged her back. "You look beautiful." Mama pulled away from our hug to examine me.

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