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The weekend passed, and now it was my mama's birthday. Kennedi invited me to shop for dinner. With just me and her. I didn't decline it since I was bored with Anye and Von's departure. And it's been quite awhile since I've seen my sister. So why not?

We still have to right our wrongs. "Oooh look who's getting big." Kennedi greeted me with an observation on my belly. I smacked my lips, "Shut up. I'm not that big." I waved her off as I got in the car.

"Mama said you having a girl how the way your stomach sets. At a point I didn't believe her. But now I do." Kennedi said, while observing my belly as I sat down.

"Girl bye. You and Mama with these false prophets." I waved her off, while putting my seatbelt on.

"Besides I'm probably having a boy."

"Mmm. Yeah okay." Kennedi gave me that look before pulling off.

"Sooo... Who's cooking you or Mama?" I asked Kennedi in the car. I was sitting in the passenger seat while she was in the driver's seat.

"Actually Aunt Stella is cooking." Kennedi muttered with an uneasy look upon her face.

My mouth dropped. "You cannot be serious." I say, to myself. "You know she can't cook!" I exclaimed in my seat, turning my body to Kennedi.

"I know... But Stella insisted." Kennedi shook her head, as she drove. "Mmm. Is Sierra coming?" I asked, while scratching my head.

Kennedi rolled her eyes. "Unfortunately." I snickered a little to myself. Kennedi and Sierra never got along as kids. As for Sierra and I's relationship, we never seem to have any problems. So dinner's gonna' be interesting.

"Yall bet not get to tripping at the table. You know how yall do."

"Well tell your hoe ass cousin to stay from round me then." Kennedi said with a fake smile. I shook my head. Surrendering in a laugh. "Okayyy." I extended my Y with an E.

According to Kennedi, Sierra stole her boyfriend. Now on the contrary on Sierra's side, she saw the boy first. At that point they was on some Monica and Brandy shit.

We made it to the grocery store. Looking around at the scenery, of course this store was bougie. I rolled my eyes, "Only in Kennedi's world." I say, as we got out of the car.

Kennedi grabbed a basket while I followed behind her. In the midst of us shopping I ran into Ramell. "Hey Ramell..." I greeted him with a smile.

"H-hey Kaydence." Ramell stuttered. Which made me wonder why was he being so nervous? "Daddy I want this one!" Ramell's daughter turned back to him in the basket.

My eyes traveled to the side of him to notice that he has a kid with him. "Ooh you have a daughter? Hiii." I waved at the little girl, and smiled at her. She smiled back before quickly turning back.

"Y-yeah I do." Ramell scratched the back of his neck.

"Ramell do we have any more juice- um who is this?" Another person that came to my surprise in Ramell's radar. "Babe this is my co-worker Kaydence." Ramell turned back to her. Anye was right to not trust him.

"Hi." I waved at Ramell's wife or girlfriend. Whomever she was to Ramell.

"Hey. Um Ramell can we go? Riley has school in the morning and I have to cook dinner." The woman said in such a hostile tone. "Yeah we can. I'll see you later Kaydence." Ramell waved at me before turning back to his family.

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