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"Aye Kay Ima' be right back." Von told me before getting up to go out of the room. I nodded my head.

As I was getting my vitals checked I heard Anye's ass hollering for me. "Where Kay at?!" Anye yelled. She must've seen Von come out there. Next thing I know the door flies open. "Oh my God Kay I'm so glad you're okay." Anye came over to hug me on the side of the bed.

The nurse moved over so she could. "Yeah the baby is fine. If it wasn't I wouldn't know what I'd do." I gave Anye that look after my sentence. She know I would commit a murder about my child.

"I'm glad too. I'll be even better when that bruise go away." Anye pointed at my bruise. I pulled my shirt down to cover it.

"The bruising should heal fully in two weeks." The nurse spoke. Anye and I nodded our heads. "Okay." Anye answered. I had to look at her crazy because she acting like she's my baby daddy.

"Okay everything sounds good. I say if you have slight pain take tylenol but if it gets worse please come back to the hospital immediately." The nurse advised me. "Okay." I nodded my head.

"I'm gonna' grab your discharge papers, and after that you're free to go." The nurse told me before exiting out of the room. "Bitch. I'm down to go fight her ass again. I wanna' fuck her up for kicking you." Anye stated.

"Yeah but fuck her. I should go on that tour just to make her mad mad. Because let's be real if I want Von I can definitely have him."

"You sure the fuck can because Von is here for you and not at home with her. If it was me in that situation I'm definitely gonna' choose my baby mama." Anye said, while shrugging her shoulders.

"If I'm his baby mama." I muttered, looking to the side.

"You are." Anye made a face at me and rolled her eyes. "That just reminded me to ask the nurse about a DNA test."

"I- Kay." Anye bust out laughing. Von finally came back in the room to sit down. He didn't say much at all.

The nurse came back a few seconds later with my papers. "Here you go." I took them from her. "Um I have a question..."

"Yeah?" She looked up from her clipboard. "How do I go about getting my baby's and father DNA tested while pregnant?" Von damn near choked on whatever. Anye turned around to check up on him.

"Okay see with that we have three options. But since you're far along you'd have to do either invasive procedures to get their DNA tested." The nurse said.

"What's the procedures?" I asked curiously. I really wanted to know so I could finally get that void out of the way. "Okay the first procedure is what we call the amniocentesis test. It's basically where we use a long needle to take a sample of amniotic fluid from your uterus through your abdomen for testing. The second one is chorionic villus sampling. Where we use a thin needle or tube to insert it inside of your vagina through your cervix. Your doctor will collect the chorionic villi. And by doing that we have to do an ultrasound as a guide." The nurse explained the procedures.

I was about to say something until the nurse cut me off. "But I will say that both procedures has side effects as of vaginal bleeding, cramping, irritation, and leaking of your amniotic fluid. It can also put the baby at risk as well." I nodded my head as I took everything in.

"Kay you sure you wanna' do that?" Anye looked at me. I looked back at Von. He was looking down at his phone. I looked back at Anye. "I don't think so. Especially if it's putting my baby at risk."

"I agree. You don't need to do anything if it's gone put the baby at risk." Von spoken up. I blushed a little, realizing that he's really stepping up for this baby. I loved that. "Amen." Anye added.

"Yeah I'll just handle it when the baby's born I guess." So that means the baby's name is gonna' have to be whatever I want to be.

"You riding with Von or me?" Anye asked. "I'm gonna' ride with Von." I told her as we exited off the elevator.

Anye made a smirk look on her face while I was walking with Von. He's not getting anything from me. But I am gonna' get my answers.

"You can ride with Anye." Von said, while walking to his car. "No. I said I'm riding with you for a reason." I told him sternly.

He made a face at me like he wanted to laugh before getting in the car. After all of that just happened I just noticed that he had some new grills. Looked like those permanent ones.

"When you get them?"

"Get what?" Von asked, I pointed at his mouth. "You could've seen it before you put your hands on a nigga." Von said, bluntly.

I laughed a little. "Speaking of that... I just really need to know was you fucking me and her at the same time. Our babies are literally 2 and a half months apart from each other."

Von looked at me. I guess to determine if he could lie or not. "I wouldn't say I was fucking y'all at the same time. It was more like after you left. " I blinked my eyes at his answer.

"After I left? You know exactly what I was going through. And I was feeling you too but I guess apparently the feelings wasn't mutual."

"They were. But you had that nigga on your mind. You ain't care about my feelings when you upped and left. I know that was important to go because you had to check on your house and dog and shit but you knew deep down you still had feelings for yo' goofy. I just needed to know what was up." Von explained.

I mean he wasn't lying but I didn't have that much feelings for Kyree at the time. "Von at that time I really wanted you. And shit like that you gotta' give time. Me and him literally broken up days before he got shot. So yeah my emotions was all over the place. "

"Basically what you saying was I was a rebound nigga." Von said. I furrowed my eyebrows, looking towards his direction.

"Okay if you was a rebound nigga then what was I? Or what was I suppose to be?"

"Mine." I blinked my eyes at that word. I turned away from him. I crossed my arms.

"How was I yours when you had someone? And she was already pregnant."

"I didn't know until after you left." Von said. I looked at him to see if he was lying but he looked dead serious.

"Hmph okay." I muttered to myself, nodding my head.

"Ion know why you want some kind of validation from me when I was yo' side nigga. You ain't perfect neither. You been mad at me since I got a new bitch but you want some kind of sympathy." Von scoffed shaking his head, muttering a couple words after.

"I don't need sympathy. I just need the truth."

"Why want the truth if it's just gonna' make you mad?" Von said. I shrugged my shoulders. It did make me upset. But I also have to realize that it's a possibility that this baby isn't his. So my stressing would be for nothing really.

I mean I'm still concerned because he was already fucking with somebody, and then turns around to fuck me. You damn right I'm concern because I don't know what he can bring back to me.

It's my fault for letting him have sex with me raw. Despite him not bringing me anything I still was at risk. But he's not seeing the point.

"Where am I taking you bro' I got shit I need to do." Von said nonchalantly. "Anye's." I say, with the same animosity.

I rolled my eyes at his annoyance. The tour isn't gonna' work out for me especially if me and him is beefing. Besides what good what that'll do if I come? Him and Asian gonna' argue the whole time about me. Maybe with them out of the way I could do some cleansing and healing as I prepare for my baby's arrival. Might be the best thing to do anyway.


Who was wrong? Kay or Von? 😮‍💨

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