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The hospital finally let Kaylin and I go home. My mom and sister were helping me with Kaylin but I knew eventually they had to go back to their everyday life. Today was going to be the day that I was gonna' test being by myself with Kaylin.

She was being a good baby so far. "Now you didn't have any problems latching at the hospital don't give me any trouble now." I said sternly to Kaylin, as I was preparing myself to breastfeed her. 

Kaylin was acting fussy until she finally latched on. I sighed out of relief. As I was feeding her I stared into her eyes. Her eyes fluttered a little until she held eye contact with me a little. 

Those little pretty brown eyes. "You are so special. And my am I lucky to have you. Mommy went through so much just to have you in my arms." I say, to Kaylin. 

She enjoyed listening to my voice. I would even sing to her while she falls asleep. Her looks didn't change nor her complexion. I should be getting the results in the mail next week. I snuggled my nose against hers. 

I love my baby so much. Almost a year ago Kay would've disposed the thought of having a baby. But here I am now 9 months later and counting holding my baby in the flesh. 

"Okay since you're done time to burp you." I carefully pulled away from Kaylin as she unlatched herself from my nipple. I sat her up against my chest to burp her. 

Took her awhile but she made a big burp. 

I haven't heard from Anye since her episode at the hospital. I really wish I could believe her but it's like I can't. Kyree has been blowing up my phone. I didn't get the opportunity to spazz on him yet. I might not have feelings for him anymore but it's the fact him and my supposedly best friend may or may not had sex while we were together. 

I want to confront him about it considering I haven't heard his side of the story. I think I might just do that when Kaylin falls asleep. 

But then again this might be something that could be done face to face. Kaylin is so fresh from the hospital. I didn't want her going over anybody's house not just yet. He might just have to come over here. 

I dialed his number. "Yoo?" Kyree answered. 

"Hey... Um are you busy?" 

"Nah not at all. What's up?" Kyree asked. 

He might just have to hear this over the phone since Kaylin wasn't going to sleep no time soon. Stubborn. 

"Kyree... We need to talk."

"About what? Is it the baby? You get the results back?" Kyree questioned. I shook my head listening to him ramble questions when that's not the case at all. 

"No I don't get them back until next week."

"Then what's up? Tell me." 

"Did you... Okay. Me and you was together for a long time. I just want to know has there ever been a time where you cheated on me with Anye or tried her, messed with her, whatever the fuck it was I just need to know." 

"The fuck? What the fuck is this coming from-"

"Kyree don't give me that bullshit... Anye said that you tried to have sex with her and that you touched her so yeah." 

"I can't believe this hoe really tried to lie on me..." 

I blinked my eyes at his sentence. 

"You ever realize why I wouldn't give her no rides anymore? That's because that bitch was doing you green from the start. I ain't ever liked her at our house, giving her any rides, none of that shit. Anye been tried to fuck me." Kyree explained to me on the phone. 

I really don't know who to believe... But it's like I knew Kyree longer, and Anye has done me more harm than good. 

Then again Anye has been there for me in ways I didn't have support in. 

"I really don't know who or what to believe..." I muttered. 

"Kay on my dead grandma and dead homies she tried that shit." 

"If she tried it why didn't you say anything?"

"I knew you were going through some shit with your family not being around, you were stressed, and the last thing I wanted on your mind to find about your little hoe ass friend who you were close with was trying to fuck me."

"I know that makes you look at me different because at the time as your man I should've spoke up but I thought eventually you would've got the memo from how I was reacting whenever you would get her to come around." 

"You use to cuss me out when I say something negative about her trifling ass but now you know." 

I shook my head listening to Kyree's side of the story. It's like damn who can I trust? I should've known from when she lied about talking and messing with Von. Anything I have she wanted it. 

"She envies you." I heard Kyree say. 

"Ima' call you back. This is a lot to process right now..." I quickly ended the call on Kyree. I wanted to crash out but I had my baby in my arms so instead I took it all in. 

I looked down to see Kaylin sleeping. "My sweet precious baby Kaylin... You are so much more and beyond this thing called life." I held her close to my chest as I rocked her as she slept her tiny life away. 

I got up from my couch to take her upstairs to her room. I laid her down in her crib. I made sure I had my baby monitor set on her first before I left back downstairs. 

I sat down on my floor and cried silently. 

Never would I imagine that I'd be going through this. Especially after my baby's birth. Who can I trust around me? Who hasn't done me dirty? The only person I could say is my daughter, which is the sad God honest truth. 

I wish I didn't feel alone. I know I wouldn't be alone if I didn't push people away. It's just hard not knowing who can you trust in this cold cold world. 

Definitely not your friends. 

There was a knock on the door. I wiped my tears away before I got up on my feet to see who's at the door. 

I opened the door, to see the mailman. "Hey I got some mail for a Kaydence Young?" 

"That's me." I announced. He handed me my mail, "Thank you." I say, before closing my door. 

I looked through my mail. "I see bills, bills, on top of bills, and... A letter. From Anye." I blinked my eyes at the last letter. 

I was about to throw the letter in the trash but something told me to read it. Just not now. I tossed the letter on my table, and walked away from it. 


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