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Someone knocked on the door which woke me up from my nap. It was the nurse again. "Hi Ms. Young, the doctor wanted me to check again. Hopefully this will be the last time I come to check you." The nurse said.

"Okay." I got up to readjust myself in the bed.

She checked my cervix I could tell by her reaction that it was time. "It's time." She looked up at me and smiled.

"Ma! Von!" I called her name. Mama sat up so fast in her sleep. Von didn't budge. "Is it time?" Mama asked. I nodded my head. The nurse left out of the room to grab the other nurses, midwives, and doctor.

"Anye!" Mama called,

"Hmm?" Anye answered in her sleep.

"Wake Von up. The baby is about to come." She told her while leaning over to wake up Kennedi.

Luckily my room was an all in one to have the baby.

"Alright Ms. Young are you ready?" The doctor entered the room. Mama came over to my bed to help prop my pillows for me comfortably. Von was up by my side. Seeing everybody prepare for Kaylin's arrival has me anxious.

I swallowed a hard lump in my throat as I nodded my head. I thought I was ready but now I'm scared.

Before I knew it Kaylin was here.

Her cries filled up the room. When they brought her to my chest all I could do was cry. She's finally here. I held her so close. Even my mama and sister were crying. Anye was having an awe moment. Meanwhile, Von was smiling. She was beautiful.

"She has your eyes." Mama looked at Von.

The nurses took Kaylin away to clean her off. I wouldn't stop crying because my baby was here. After, the long wait, trials and tribulations, Kaylin has finally entered the world.

"She is so beautiful." I cried in my hands.

"Stop crying mama. She's beautiful just like you." Von moved my hands away from my face and grabbed my chin to kiss me on my lips.

"Awww." Everyone said in unison. I wanted to cover my face again to stop me from blushing.

"My God daughter is hereeee!" Anye cheered excitedly.

I heard Kaylin cries. She was going off on them nurses. I shook my head, "Lord let me make sure my grandbaby is okay." Mama stood to go check up on Kaylin.

"She already showing off." Anye joked, "And I'm right behind her showing my ass too!" Kennedi sassed.


We all laughed together. I looked at Von, he was so happy. They finally brought Kaylin back to me. I looked at her face and ears. She was so light. I know she's going to get darker. Which I hope because Kyree is light skinned. But she has Von's eyes, so I don't know.

"She looks just like her daddy." Mama smiled at Kaylin.

I held her for so long. Just examining her beauty. Mama was right she does look her Daddy...

Deep down despite her looks I still want a DNA test for her. Von may not want me too but I still do just to be sure.

"Can I see her?" Von asked. I was hesitant at first, but I decided to let him hold her instead. I didn't want him discouraged despite her complexion. But watching Von hold her, I don't think he cared about it.

"My baby folks nem'." He nudged his nose against hers. He was so in love with her. My heart would hurt terribly if she's not his with his looks.

I let them hold Kaylin until the doctors came back to take her to exam her to make sure she's okay. Von followed after them to make sure they didn't do nothing to his "baby folks nem'"

"When they come back I'm gonna' get them to swab her."

"What?" Everyone looked at me confused.

"Ma, I just want to be sure!" I cried. I covered my face with my hands.

"Kaydence that baby is Von's! She looks just like him!" Mama argued with me.

"Right, I don't understand Kay. You've waited 9 whole months to see her. Now you have your results and you're still unsure?" Anye spoken.

"What's the real issue Kay? Is it because she's light?" Kennedi asked me. I cried even more after that comment. I nodded my head for my response.

"Ma, I don't want her to be Kyree's!" I broke down in tears.

She came to my bed to hug me. "It's going to be okay." She said.

Von came back with the doctor. Von's smile dropped once he noticed that I was crying. "What's wrong lil' folks?" Von asked.

"Can you swab her for me? I need a DNA test on her."

Von's face dropped hearing that come out of my lips. "I'm gonna' call Kyree-"

"Like hell you not! You not having that bitch ass nigga around my baby!" Von yelled at me.

"Von son please calm down." Mama tried to console him while consoling me.

"No Mrs. Young! Kaylin is mine and I guess she's too afraid to admit that!" Von yelled again, making Kaylin cry.

"I'm gonna' have to ask yall to quiet down considering there are other patients in this hospital." The doctor stated, trying to calm the situation down.

"I apologize on that. Thank you." Mama spoken up for us.

The doctor was about to lay Kaylin down in her little bed, but Kennedi stopped him.

"Here I'll take her." Kennedi stood up to take the baby from the doctor's arms.

Once, the doctor left Von stared at me for dear long before opening his mouth to say: "I'm not taking a DNA test Kaydence."

"If you're not then Kyree will. I have to know."

Von clenched his jaw. I've never seen him this angry with me. I could tell he wanted to punch a wall. "I swear to God if you have him around my baby." Von said, angrily.

"He doesn't have to be son. He can just swab himself and I'll grab it from him." Mama assured Von. Looking at his reactions he doesn't want a DNA test at all. Little does he know I'm still going to get one whether he likes it or not.

Instead of using his I'm going to use Kyree's DNA to test on Kaylin.

The situation died down. Everyone went to sleep including me. Kaylin woke up crying. She might be hungry, I thought. I got up to look around, everyone was still in the room except for Von.

I fed Kaylin and rocked her to sleep. Once, she was in a deep sleep I called the doctor back in my room to swab her cheek to hold it for the test. I grabbed my phone to text Kyree to let him know I had her, and that he has to let me get his DNA before seeing her.

I sent him pictures of her with back showing. I didn't want him to see her face yet so he wouldn't back down on doing the test. I know this is all wrong, but I just want it to be right. Not only for me but for her.


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