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Morning came, and Kennedi wasn't talking to me. I walked to the kitchen to see she was cooking. She had two plates. I'm not gone lie I was hoping she was cooking for the both of us. Kennedi petty but not that petty when it comes to food.

"Good morning."

"Morning." Kennedi said, dryly. I shook my head going to the refrigerator to get us juice for our glass cups.

I didn't want to say anything else to bother her. She finished making our plates. I took them both and set the table for us.

I went back to grab our cups. I seen Kennedi grab another plate. I looked at her with a confused look upon my face.

"Somebody coming over?"

"Mom is..." Just the right person I needed to see.

"She should be here any minute. I'm about to go unlock the door." Kennedi said, after she finished making her plate. I grabbed a cup for Mama. I poured her some apple juice before taking it back with me at the table.

I sat at the table to wait for Kennedi and Mama.

"Kaydence!" Mama greeted me excitedly. I smiled and got out of my seat to go hug her.

"Girl you about to pop. Let me find out my grandbaby coming sooner." Mama joked. I shook my head before sitting back down at the table.

"Food smells good Kennedi." Mama complimented Kennedi's food.

"Doesn't it always?" Kennedi rolled her eyes playfully.

"Don't flatter ya' self cause' who did you get it from?" Mama snapped.

"Period." I laughed.

"Don't be instigating Kay." Kennedi pointed at me with her fork.

"Alright yall know we say grace before we eat." Mama sat down at the table, and grabbed both Kennedi and I hands.

"Bow yall heads..." Kennedi and I did just as we were told. I closed my eyes.

"God is great and God is good. Let us thank Him for our food; By His blessings, we are fed, Give us Lord, our daily bread. Amen."

"Amen." Kennedi and I said in unison before we dug into our food.

"How you been Mama?" I spoken.

"I been hanging on in there... Your dad just got the rest of his stuff so." Mama sighed as she picked at her food.

"We saw Korbin." Kennedi spoke, making Mama look up at her.

"Y-you saw him?" Mama stuttered. Kennedi nodded her head. "Yeah... " Kennedi muttered before clearing her throat.

"He's not bad but I will say it's going to take me awhile to adapt too." Kennedi said. Mama nodded her head.

"I definitely agree. I should've told you but-" Mama began to say until Kennedi cut her off.

"Mama... What's done is done." Kennedi said. Mama nodded her head. I looked at Kennedi, wondering if she's going to tell her that she's pregnant.

I notice she didn't budge so I went back to eating my food. "So last night I had a dream of fish. And I don't know which one of my sister's kids is pregnant, but my mama always told me about that saying-" I started choking on my food.

Mama and Kennedi looked at me. "Kay you okay?" Mama asked concern.

"I'm fine. Bacon just went the wrong way." I quickly grabbed my glass of apple juice.

Kennedi reached over to pat my back. Mama looked at Kennedi and examined her. "You pregnant?" Mama asked Kennedi.

"N-n-no what? Ma ain't nobody pregnant!" Kennedi exclaimed.

I continued to drink my juice more after that. Mama was about to say something, but somebody was knocking on Kennedi's door.

"Aye Kennedi!" A deep voice male called. Kennedi slammed her fork down to go answer the door.

"Kennedi who is that?" Mama asked with a concern look on her face.

"What Antonio?!" Kennedi swung the door open.

"The fuck?! I'm not taking your money keep that shit!" Kennedi spat.

"Nah you taking it cause' you not having no baby." I heard Breezy say.

Mama and I got up from the table to go be by Kennedi's side. I made sure I was present in the doorway.

"Antonio I could give a fuck about what you think! You can keep that $600!" Kennedi cursed at him.

"Right cause' my sister don't need a bitch ass thing from you!"

"Man tell that opp ass bitch nobody was talking to her." Breezy said.

"Bitch?" I was about to hit him, but Mama pushed me out of the way.

"Young man I'm sure you don't want harassment on your record if you don't get the hell out of my daughter doorstep!" Mama yelled at him.

"You not gone do shit!" Breezy clutched and tried to step up to our Mama.

"And what chu' gone do with that? Because believe me you don't wanna' go there." Mama held up her purse and patted it in his face.

"Ight watch what I do to yo' daughter." Breezy said, before backing away from the door. Mama slammed the door and locked it.

Mama turned to look at Kennedi and shook her head. "I'm disappointed in you for lying. And you- you are not gonna' put my grandbaby in danger. Do yall hear me?!" Mama raised her voice.

Kennedi and I held our heads down before nodding to her response.

We went back to the table to eat. "I'm not hungry anymore." Kennedi was about to get up but Mama stopped her.

"NO sit your ass down!" Mama instructed her.

Kennedi sat back down with an attitude and rolled her eyes.

"Roll em' again!" Mama yelled, making me jump in my seat. Normally, it's me giving Mama sass. But for Kennedi to do it, I'm surprised.

"Look, I understand you're going through something... But you're pregnant Kennedi?" Mama said, sincerely.

"Yes Mama... But don't get attached I'm not keeping it." Kennedi said, making Mama's face drop.

"Now listen you did all that to Kaydence when she didn't want to keep hers. I remember them phone calls. You use to tell me how upset you were with her because she didn't want to keep Kaylin." Mama told Kennedi. She kept her head down.

I didn't say anything because she was right.

"I know but you saw how my sperm donor acted this is just the beginning." Kennedi shook her head.

"It is against our religion whatever decision you make I'm not going to judge you, but you'll be contradicting yourself especially how the way you treated Kaydence." Mama said. I definitely agree with her. Kennedi gave me hell in the beginning of my pregnancy. But whatever my sister wants to do, Ima' stick beside her.

"Mama... I don't know. Ima' figure it out before it's too late." Kennedi said.

My phone vibrated against the table. I looked it was Anye. I swiped over to answer. "Hello?"

"Kema had the baby." I gasped.


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