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As life went on, I stayed out of the way. I been staying in Anye's house, which gave me some clarity I needed in my life. Staying out of the way might be the best way. Anye gotten my phone back from Kennedi's. I changed my number and deleted the messages that was in my phone. Which felt like weight lifted off of my shoulders. 

 I did make an appointment to see the baby. Here I was in the waiting room by myself. The one thing I did fear. Which is being a single parent. I sighed and looked down at my little pregnant belly. My belly did grow from being slim to now having a round small pudge. You probably couldn't tell I was pregnant but when I undress, yes. 

"Kaydence Young?" I heard my name. I looked up to see the nurse. I got up from my seat, and walked to her. "Right this way." The nurse said, as she guided me to a room. I'm glad I worn a shirt that's easily liftable instead of a skin tight one. 

"Your sonographer will be in for you soon." She said, before exiting out of the room. I nodded my head. I looked up at the ceiling thinking. I'm really having a baby. I looked away from the ceiling and saw two empty chairs. That was supposed to be for Kennedi, and my child's father. 

I felt myself getting emotional but I kept my head high. I keep feeling this way maybe I should tell them. This appointment might make me consider on doing that. 

"Hi, how are you?" The sonographer, that ended up being a female, entered the room which knocked me out of my thoughts. "I'm good thank you." I said with a small smile. 

"Okay I'll make this quick because I know you're probably anxious to see." She said, with a smile as she washed her hands to put on gloves. "I am very much so anxious. This is my first time seeing the- my baby." 

"Is this your time with child?" She asked while preparing to sit for the machine. "Yes it is." I nodded my head. "Good! That's good!" I lifted up my shirt to prepare for the gel. "How about you? You got any kids?" 

"I have 4 actually." She said, which made my eyes widen. "Wow. 4? You must be a saint." I told her, while she put the gel on my belly. She laughed at my comment. I looked at her badge, her name was Nancy. 

"Indeed I am. I love my babies. They actually want another sibling but I'm like whoa there pal." Nancy said as her eyes widen at the end of her sentence, and I laughed. I like her. I noticed a ring on her finger as she rubbed the gel in circles. 

"But let's see your bundle of joy." Nancy said as she put the transducer on my belly. She rubbed it around I'm guessing to look for the baby. When she found the baby I heard its heartbeat, and I saw the baby on the screen. 

It made me so emotional that I was crying before I knew I was crying. I wiped my tears. "Aww. Look at her while she's little. I bet you when she grows that you gonna' miss her tiny days." Nancy said, which made me look at her curiously. 

"She?" I asked, because I was hoping she couldn't tell the gender this early. 

"You're definitely having a girl. I can tell how the way your belly sets." Nancy told me bluntly. "I don't know only time will tell. I really hope for a boy though." Having a girl through all of this might be a bad thing. Least a boy can manage despite the whole dad situation. 

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