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I could hear yelling outside as I heard thunder too. "Come on Kay. She not gone touch you. Anye told me about you know. I ain't gonna' let nothing happen to my little cousin." Muwop told me. I guess to prepare me to walk out. 

Now I gotta' get into it with Anye. Because why she tell?! "D-d-does Von know?" I asked curiously. "Nah he don't. That's yall forbidden fruit that I'm not getting into." He said. 

We finally walked outside together despite the screaming and yelling. But once she saw me she ran over ready to square up. I stood getting into my stance but Muwop was blocking. "Von get her bro'!" Muwop yelled as he was protecting me while Asian tryna' swing over me. 

"Let me go so I can rock her shit!" Asian yelled, still trying to swing. 

"Bitch I wish you would! Move Muwop!" I yelled as I started to get mad. I'm still early so I don't give a fuck. She can still get fucked up while her nigga watch. 

Von finally came and pulled her away. And in that moment she started swinging on him, and they began to fight. "Come on! We getting the fuck up out of here!" As it started to rain, Muwop and I jogged to the car. 

The car ride was silent until I spoken. "Thank you." I answered. "Your welcome. Now if Anye crazy ass get to tweaking about me tell her I'll be back." Muwop said, as we pulled up to his house. 

"Okay. Thank you again. And don't let Von tweak on you neither." I told him before getting out of the car. "I won't besides it ain't yo' fault." Muwop said, which made me think. It does seems like it's my fault. I just shrug it off before I over thought about what he said. 

"Stay up gang." Muwop told me before pulling off. I breathed before walking to Muwop's front door. Before I could even knock, the door swung open. 

"Bitch what the hell? I been calling you! And was that Wop? I'ma beat his ass because he said he was coming home!" Anye said. "Yes it was him. But let me inside it's cold." I told her as the rain came down harder. 

She finally let me in. "What the fuck happened? I know some shit popped off because how the fuck you end up with him?" Anye asked curiously, as we walked to the living room. 

"Started off with me tryna' apologize to Kennedi, us fighting, my mama, and then Von's bitch tryna' fight, it's just too much." I said all of that in one breath that I exhaled. I felt my eyes were burning as I felt like I wanted to cry. 

"Wait what? Asian wanna' fight? Where she at? Because we can t'up. Like what's up?" Anye said, as she went to go put her hair in a ponytail. 

"I think her hands tied with fighting Von now." 

"She can get up with me. Ain't no problem. No bitch finna' fight my best friend while she's pregnant." Anye said in another room. 

"They don't know Anye. That's why Muwop stepped in to protect me because apparently you got some loose lips." I say, to lighten up the mood. 

"I- well shit. Uh uh-" Anye stuttered. "I'm not mad at you." I told her. She finally came out of the room, and stood in the doorway. "You not?" She asked as her eyebrows risen with her question. 

"No. In fact thank you. Because if it wasn't for you telling Muwop, Asian and I could've really fought. And there's no telling if something would've went wrong with the baby and I wasn't tryna' risk that chance." 

"What you saying you keeping it?" Anye asked with a smile. "For now until I tell the potential fathers." I said with a shrug. Anye squealed in excitement. "Okay good but wait... As I'm starting to remember you said you was dealing with some shit with yo' mom earlier?" Anye furrowed her eyebrows. 

"Oh... Um about that... Yeah she came by Kennedi's and it didn't end well. Let's just say that might've been my last time seeing her and Kennedi." I say, not trying to cry. 

"Well you'll always have me." Anye spoken confidently. I nodded my head, "Thank you." I blinked my tears away as I wiped them off. 

"Besides if that bitch get in your face again it's up and it's stuck there." Anye said with a serious look. "I know sis." I laughed a little. 

"That rain is coming hard and it's getting dark." She said as she looked out of the window. "Damn... Anye can you get me an Uber to my house? I'll cash app you once I get my phone." 

"Girl what the fuck? It's pouring. You can stay here-" Anye began to say but I cut her off. "Anye Ion feel comfortable staying here. This is Muwop's place." 

"And? So what? You're family!" Anye said. "No-" I shook my head making her get agitated. "Okay if you won't stay here you can stay in my house. I'm barely there so." Anye suggested to me. 

"Okay." I said with a small smile. "I'll send a Uber for you once the rain stops." I nodded my head. This makes me think how could I question Anye about her loyalty when she is the loyalist friend I ever had. 

The rain finally stopped, she sent a Uber to Muwop's house, and then gave me her house keys. "Thank you again." I hugged her goodbye. "Bitch use my house phone if you need me. I'm one phone call away." She told me before I left to get in the Uber. 

Luckily for me, my Uber driver was a female. I know you can't trust both genders but I have more hope on it being a female than a male especially since I don't have my cell phone. 

The ride to Anye's house wasn't long. In fact it was only 10 minutes. Muwop didn't live far from her. Thank God because I know she isn't far and could come within a snap of a finger. 

But once I got inside her house I burst out in tears that I needed out. Maybe I am a bad person. I can't raise a baby through this. Maybe I just need to go and ghost everyone mentally and physically. 

Will that help? Probably not. But it might will help me in the moment. Or this could be my emotions talking again. Either way I didn't like it. I hate how my mind works right now. I feel like I'm more so upset about fighting with Kennedi and hearing the news about my mom. All this fighting over the years and she was dealing with that. Or must've dealt with that after. 

I don't know what to do... What am I supposed to do?


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