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"If she had the baby does that mean Von is here?" 

"I don't know. I just found this out from her post. Muwop broke up with me for the thousandth time last night." I shook my head. 

"Yall gone stop being toxic." 

"No because I know he's fucking around out there." Anye insisted. I shook my head again. 

"Alright Anye." I shook my head, dropping the situation. 

"What chu' don't believe me?!" Anye exclaimed. 

"Merch then." I say, annoyedly. 

Anye's picture appeared on my phone which indicated that she was FaceTiming me. I clicked Accept. 

She started screensharing her screen, which revealed Muwop at the strip club. He was getting a lap dance in one snippet. Then the next one revealed him kissing on the stripper. My eyes were big after seeing those videos. I was completely in shock. 

"Well damn." I blinked. 

"Yeah. Yeah, you see it. And why the fuck is Breezy talking shit on his IG stories. Makes me feel like he's talking shit about me. Because I don't want his ass." I furrowed my eyebrows at Anye's comment. 

"Wait- Let me see." Anye scrolled to Breezy's stories. 

"These hoes be on dick but fucking on opps. Shits sad." Breezy said inthe video. 

"Not only is he talking shit on Instagram, he's talking shit on Twitter too! And I'm finna' start getting these twitter fingers ready cause' bitch he got me fucked up!" Anye was about to start tweeting Breezy back, but I stopped her. 

"Hold up- what's that right there?" I saw tweets of Kayla, Von's sister accusing her of cheating on Von with an opp. 

"Oh shit! Who Asian cheat on Vn with?!" Anye gasped in shock. 

"Apparently they are saying it's Youngboy." Anye muttered, scrolling down the replies. Least I was relief that he wasn't talking shit about me or Kennedi. 

"But there were rumors saying Von and Asian broke up too... Damn." Anye said. I was in shock about all the drama. Because... What. The. Fuck. is going on?

"Von responded, with a demon and shushing emoji posting with Youngboy's baby mama." I shook my head. Wow. All that family talk... And this is what the fuck he does to me and Kaylin... I couldn't believe this shit. 

"Anye Ima' call you back. My mom is calling." I rushed Anye off of the phone. 

"Oka-" Before she could say "Okay" I immediately hung up the phone. I punched my pillow so hard. I called Von immediately. 

"So you doin' tic for tac? You talk all that bullshit about being a family with me and Kaylin yet you still fucking around?!" 

"Man, Kay it's just a picture plus it's old I didn't fuck that girl." He spoke. 

"Oh really? How the fuck am I supposed to believe that then Von?! You know what they can have you. Her, Asian, I don't give a fuck. After Kaylin is born, I just want a DNA test, after that we're done." 

I hung up the phone before he could say anything. I was so loss for words. A part of me wanted to scream, and cry but a part of me should've known. Maybe this is my karma for fucking him while he was still in a relationship with Asian. 

As much as I wanted to hold it in... I just burst out in tears. All I could do was hold my baby. I put my hands under my stomach and wrapped my arms around my baby. 

If I could go back in time I would... 

"You gone' have my baby?" Von asked me in my ear, as he was on laying on top of my back, penetrating me from behind. Von sucked on my ear, then kissed on my neck, as he was hitting my spot repeatedly. 

"Yes! I want your baby Von..." I moaned in his ear, while my eyes rolled to the back of my head. Von reached his arm over my head to put under my neck. 

His pace started to go faster while my back started to arch under him. "Don't stop! Don't stop! I'm coming!" I moaned out. I felt Von's shaft twitched inside of me. I clenched my walls around him tightly before I released. Von pulled out of me quick and came. 

In sex sometimes you don't mean the things you say. But here I could be possibly pregnant by him or Kyree. Assuming he pulled out, and Kyree's condom not breaking. I sniffled and grabbed my pillow. 

I wrapped my arms around my pillow as my tears flowed on them. 

My phone started ringing on the nightstand. I reached over to grab it. It was my contractor, Dwight. "Hello?" I answered, wiping my face. 

"Hey Ms. Young, I was contacting you to let you know that your house is fixed, and ready for you to live in it again." Dwight said. 

"Really? Wow that's great news." 

"Yes, and all of your furniture has been placed properly inside as well." He said. 

"Thank you, Dwight. I'll be over shortly to see it." 

"Alright take care now." 

"You too. Goodbye." I hung up the call. Always after bad news you receive great news. And this step right here in my life might be best for Kaylin and me. Because all I want is for my baby to be safe and know that she is loved. 

"Kay?" Kennedi spoke through the door, as she knocked against it. 

"Yeah?" I answered her. 

Kennedi came inside and had pictures in her hand. I couldn't see what they were but she came over to sit on the bed. 

Kennedi sighed before turning her head to me while sliding the pictures over. 

It was her sonogram of the baby. I caught myself tearing up. 

"Are you going to keep it?" I asked, looking back at her, as she looked at the pictures. 

"I don't know... It's like once I heard that it... I mean the baby had a heartbeat, it just made me rethink my decision on getting rid of it." Kennedi muttered. 

"You took Mama with you didn't you?" I smiled, as a laugh snuck out of my lips. 

"No." Kennedi grabbed my pillow and hit me with it. I laughed even harder after she did that. 

"No... I wasn't taking Mama with me to planned parenthood. They wanna' know my decision by Monday whether I want to do the procedure or not." She said, before taking the pictures back. 

She looked at them, I could tell she was in deep thought. She thought about it for a long time. "How did you feel during this stage?" Kennedi asked. 

"In denial..."

Yet, I'm still in denial that I'm going to have a baby less than two months. By myself. 


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