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"Kaydence, I know you going through a tough time but instead of crying just go see him." Kennedi gave me a box of tissues. I was laying down on the couch with Magic, soaking in my tears.

"I don't know if I want too Ken! He's probably hooked up to a lot of machines. I can't see him like that."

"Well least he's alive Kaydence." She said with a serious look on her face. I didn't respond to that. I stayed quiet.

"Your phone was ringing." Kennedi handed me my phone from the table. I took it from her to see who called. It was Von. I leaned up to sit my phone back on the table.

I'll call him back later right now I just want to be alone. "I guess that wasn't important." Kennedi said, to lighten up the mood.

It was but that wasn't any of her business. "It wasn't." I sniffled. "You staying the night or?" She asked me, making me look at her. "I could go back home-"

"Kaydence no. You're not going back home. You have bullet holes all over your house and your car. It's not safe for you over there." Kennedi said with a serious tone in her voice. I may not be safe but least I could still be protected.

Or go somewhere where I could feel and still be protected. "I have a friend but I don't know if I could stay..."

"Which is exactly why you and Magic could stay here." She offered. Only reason why I'm not too big on staying with my sister because of my mom stops. "I'll stay the night Kennedi." I rolled my eyes playfully before turning my attention to the TV.

As, time flew by with me staying with my sister I decided to call Von. "Hey..."

"You good lil' folks?" Von asked. "Yeah I'm fine... I'm over my sister's house." I sighed. "Why you over there when you could be back with me?" He asked, which made me laugh a little. "Boy no you had a enough of me." I snickered with a smile.

"Cappin' Shorty." I could tell he was smiling on the phone. "I wanna' see you but Kennedi might have a fit if I leave her sight." I said with a laugh.

"You staying with yo' sister?" He questioned. "Yeah just until I figure something out about my house and my car."

"I'm sorry that happened to you lil' folks. Let me come and get you tomorrow and we can see about getting a estimate of how much it cost." He said. "Von that's probably gonna' cost a fortune that I don't have right now."

"Who said it had to be you?" I rose my eyebrows. "You mean you pay for it?" I asked. "Yeah shit why not? I mean I'm still hurt that you left me but it's the least I could do for you since you in a situation right now." He chuckled.

"Oh whatever..." I rolled my eyes and waved him off as if he was here. "You think whoever did it was targeting you?"

"I doubt it. I mean I got slight beef with this girl named Kayla. That's petty beef though I doubt there would be gunplay in it."


"But no somebody was targeting Kyree, my ex."


"Yeah it's crazy how shit plays out. He put his hands on me, we break up, and now he's literally on life support." I shook my head trying not to get emotional about him. "That's crazy lil' folks. I'm sorry all that happened to you. I hope you feel better though."

"I'm trying Von. Physically and mentally."

"It's gone be ight though. Don't stress it."

"I won't. But Ima' let you go. I know you busy." I heard music started playing in the background. "Yeah it's cool though. But Ima' hit you later lil' folks."

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