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"H-H-He's what?" I stuttered to clarify. "He's awake Kaydence! I knew God wasn't gonna' take my son away from me." Kyree's mama said. "My house still isn't good from all the damage that was done to it... I'm sure yall probably gonna' take care of him."

"We will try but that's where you come in Kay... We're gonna' need your strength and positivity to bring Ky back." She said, making me swallow a hard lump that formed in my throat.

"He probably doesn't want to see me-"

"He does. He said your name when he woke up." That just made it even worse. I fell silent with her on the phone.

"Just do me that favor Kay. It may help change his life around." I sighed after hearing that. He isn't leaving out of my life no time soon. As a part of me already felt as if it was my fault why he was in that condition. I couldn't beat myself up anymore for it. Maybe helping him might shed some light on me.

This isn't gonna' be another toxic cycle. I didn't have plans on getting back with Kyree. Maybe while I help take care of him, a piece of me might come back as I am already falling apart.

"I will..."

"We're gonna' see what the doctors say, and I'll call you later." She said. "Okay... Bye." After the phone hung up I let out a big breath. It was really great news but such a devastating time to be announced.

I got up to go see Kennedi to tell her what happened. I opened her room door, and I see her practicing twerking. I bust out laughing. "Kennedi what the hell?"

"I- Kaydence!" She yelled, as she stood up from bending over. Magic ran to her room out of nowhere. I shook my head at him barking. He was excited. "Magic shush!" Kennedi exclaimed.

"I got good news..." I bit my bottom lip. "What?" Kennedi asked, dusting her knees off. "Kyree is awake." She gasped. "That's good news. But what you gonna' do about this Von character?" Kennedi rose her eyebrows.

"I wish there was still an us for me to determine that but it's not. You heard it on the phone." I shrugged my shoulders. "Mmm. Kay I know you. You're my baby sister. When you really like someone you're gonna' get what's yours." Kennedi told me seriously.

She sat down on the bed, then pat a spot beside her. I sighed and sat down with her. "Well he's not mine to begin with. We weren't official." I say, as I played with my hands.

"So if he wakes up and find another girl what does that mean for you? Are you gonna' go back with Kyree?" She asked. I shook my head no. "Maybe if I just work on myself I'll be okay."

Kennedi gave me that look. "I don't know Kennedi... I'll figure it out. But for right now I'm still in love with Von." I looked at her. She nodded her head.

"A wise person told me, "The heart wants what it wants." And if Von feels the same then you two would be back together again." Kennedi said. I nodded my head listening. I already knew what it was from the beginning. He was just the distraction that I was needing but his distraction became some what addicting.

"I doubt that." I blinked my eyes to keep from crying. "It's okay Kay." Kennedi pulled me into a hug. By now I would've started crying but I didn't. I took out my phone that was sitting in between my legs. No message from Von. I guess I should move on. Slowly.

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