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I didn't have to work luckily so I decided to see Kyree instead of relaxing on my day off. We didn't meet at his mama's instead we're meeting at a restaurant. I was patiently waiting for his arrival. I told him we could meet at his mom's but he insisted the restaurant.

I looked out the window to see him getting out of a car and getting help with his crutches. I sighed at the sight of him. He use to be so strong but now he's weak. The old him wouldn't have surrender to his demons. But I guess getting shot must've made him see his life flash in front of him.

I am happy that he recovered just well enough on his own. I pretended to not see come inside. But I did help him sit down though once he approached the table.

"You look good. What you been doing?" Kyree asked with a smile. I looked down at his tattooed hands then his face. He looked okay, so yesterday must've been an episode then.

"I been okay. I'm not stressing anymore."

"For sure that." He chuckled, I guess to lighten up the mood. I looked at him. "Hi, I'm yalls waitress Glory. What can I start yall with?" Our waitress came to our table in a spunky manner.

"I'll take a coke and she'll have a sprite." Kyree answered for me. "Okay. I'll those drinks for you guys." She walked away.

"You didn't have to order for me."

"We been here before." Kyree smirked while looking down in his menu. "What you mean?" I rose one eyebrow, looking at him. "You don't remember our first date?" He asked. I smacked my lips and rolled my eyes, trying not to smile.

"You know this is where we had our first date right?" He looked at me with a question. "What?" I asked, looking around at the place. I gasped, not noticing the decor was changed, and even the name.

"Damn they changed so much since then." I say, as I examined the place. "Yeah they did." He agreed with me. "You funny for picking this restaurant." I pointed at him as I laughed. He laughed with me.

Glory came back with our drinks. "Here's yall drinks. Now what can I start yall with?" She asked. "I'll have a bacon cheeseburger with everything on it, fries as my side. She'll have the alfredo." Kyree said.

"Now is that gonna' be with chicken, shrimp, or plain?" Glory looked at me. "I'll take the chicken with a side of shrimp and broccoli."

Kyree furrowed his eyebrows at me as we gave Glory our Menus. "Okay I got a chicken alfredo with a side of broccoli and shrimp. And then a bacon cheeseburger with fries." Glory clarified our meals then went away after we confirmed.

Kyree and I talked, I guess he's trying to rekindle our romance but a date isn't gonna' be that easy for him to get me back. When our food came, our talking ceased as we began to eat.

In the corner of my eye, the one person that I didn't ever want to see again is here. With his bitch. I tried not to let it bother me. I saw Kyree look over. "I just lost my fucking appetite." Kyree wiped his mouth harshly.

He was about to get up but I grabbed his hand to make him sit. "No it's okay. Don't worry about them." I nudged my head over towards their direction. I glanced over at them, I could tell Von's eyes was piercing through mine. I slick plastered a smirk on my face to piss him off even more.

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