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"Here's your water." Ramell handed me my water as I sat down at a table. "Thank you." I opened the water. Anye finally ran out of the store to notice my crisis. "Kay you good?" Anye asked, while I took a sip out of my water.

"Yeah I'm okay." I nodded my head. "Ramell? What the hell?" Anye asked curiously, as she noticed Ramell standing by me.

"Hey Anye." Ramell smiled at her. "What you doing here?" Anye sassed with her arms crossed. "Uh hello to you too Ramell. But yeah I saw Kay running out the store. I had to come check up on her. She didn't look too good." Ramell spoken.

"Mhm. Thank you." Anye looked Ramell up and down, before going by my side to rub my back. "I hope you feel better Kay. I'll see yall later." Ramell said, before walking away.

"Bye Ramell."

"Don't tell him bye." Anye rolled her eyes. "Why you got so much animosity towards him?" I asked her, with my eyebrows furrowed.

"Because I know some shit that you don't. But anyway how you feeling?" Anye said, as she switched up the subject. I just looked at her while squinting my eyes. "Pleasant." I say, nonchalantly as I turned my head away from her. I took another sip out of my water.

"Merch." Anye said seriously. I made a fake smile at her. Anye blinked her eyes at me. I rolled my eyes after.

"I heard yall conversation."

"Yeah... She's pregnant by Von too." Anye said, making me clench my water bottle a little. "Where he at?" I asked, as my leg started to shake because of my anger.

"He's at the studio with Muwop and them." Anye answered. "Take me there." I say, sternly.

Anye did exactly what I asked, and took me to the studio. I didn't even wait for her to park. I hopped out the car ready for all the smoke.

"Bitch hold up!" Anye yelled, rushing to put the car in park. I speed walked to the doors. Anye had to run behind me. I swung the door open. "Excuse do yall have a session here?" The receptionist asked.

I was about to say something smart but Anye stopped me. "Come on I know what room they at." Anye whispered in my ear. She grabbed my arm, pulling me to follow her. "Excuse me!" The receptionist called.

Anye and I rushed to the door. I was about to open it, but the fake China doll opened it before we could. "Bae you- what the fuck is this bitch doing here?!" Asian's facial expression changed quickly when she saw my face.

"Obviously I ain't here for your horse mouth ass."

"Aye hold up." Von moved Asian out the way to stand in front. His face looked shook. I raised my hand up to slap the shit out of him. Anye stood in front of me trying to block us away from each other.

"Yeah bitch thought I wasn't gonna' find out?! You really tried play me like some fucking fool! You was fucking me and Kema at the same time?!"

"Anye take her out of here!" I heard Muwop yell, while trying to pull Von back. "Where she at?! Let me get up with her!" I heard Asian say. In that moment I pushed Anye out of the way and ran inside the room.

Asian tackled me against the wall. I grabbed her by her hair and started punching the shit of her head. She ended up losing her balance by Anye kicking her on her side. "Anye what the fuck!" Muwop yelled at her. He picked her up taking her out of the room.

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