Chapter 3

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[Montmartre Residence, Monoceros Keep, Foranea 2:39 AM,
9th of Umbral-Tide/Darktide, Year 426]

" So many choices... So many targets. But you..."

" The Astromancer is fun, but you are just annoying. I can hear you, uttering those little prayers to that wretched God of yours. And yet, I imagine up in that Heaven of hers; she does nothing but fiddle with arrogance and ignorance alike..."

" So I think it's time I make a statement against her. Worry not my friend, I won't be taking your life just yet. That'd be too easy. But for a man such as yourself... swelling with blind reverence... what I'm about to do might be worse than death..."

" And now, time shall resume as normal..."

Sleeping shirtless and in briefs and covering himself in a blanket, Amnon instantly opened and widened his eyes in shock, waking up from the nightmare from the Shuffler and sitting on the bed. He was intensely trembling and huffing when his wife heard him. Glenda in her maternity nighties turned on the lampshade at her bedside and noticed her husband becoming uneasy.

" Amnon! " she exclaimed in worry and instantly hugged him. " It's okay. I'm here. No one's gonna hurt you. "

" It's not...It's not okay...." he wept, anxiously muttered, and embraced his wife. " The Shuffler...He just..He just..."

" Amnon, please look at me..." Glenda calmly replied and rubbed his back. " I know you have a nightmare from your mission in Aulia. You have just come home safe and returned to your normal life. You're not doing those things anymore. "

Silently weeping, Amnon remained speechless and looked at his wife. The trauma from the previous mission had left him a nightmare which he couldn't forget. Glenda slowly stood up and held her large belly. She grabbed a pitcher of cold water and carefully poured it. She walked over to her spouse and let him drink. He instantly drank and emptied it, placing it on his bedside table.

" Remember what Greg asked us to do in therapy, before? " she reminded him. " Take ten to twenty deep breaths and hold them for ten seconds. Inhale. Hold. Exhale. "

Amnon nodded and followed his wife's instructions. He was inhaling, holding his breath for ten seconds, and exhaling. He repeated it to ten to twenty times. Until, he felt better and stood up, drinking his glass of water for the second time.

" How are you feeling? " she asked and sincerely smiled.

" Better than what I have seen earlier, " he calmly broke his silence and placed his glass down.

" I'm sorry that this had gotten into you, " Glenda held her husband's both hands. " I wish I could have done something more to spare you from that scenario. "

" It happened, Glen. I lost my right hand..."

" With or without your right hand, you are still my hero who saved my life back in the frontlines, " she sincerely said. " For me, you are still the strongest and toughest man I married and going to be our daughter's father. You can still function as a doctor and carry our child when that day comes. "

" Glen..."

" I'm saying this, because I'm still in love and caring for the boy who I first met in Odyssea Academy, " she cupped her husband's face. " I love you, Amnon. "

" I love you too, Glen. "

She sincerely smiled at him and asked, " Do you want to hear Emie's heartbeat before you return to sleep? "

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