Chapter 33

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[Monoceros Keep General Hospital's Cafeteria, 7:30 PM, 8th of Before Witching, Year 426]

Doctor Wilma Sinclair-Durand held a tray of her supper meal and a cup of orange juice which she saw an azure haired woman in her late thirties. She donned a dark blue scrubs set on a ponytail who was sitting and eating alone. The medical staff recognised her and offered her a vacant seat. Wilma smiled and sat down.

" Merci beaucoup, Esi, " the platinum blonde woman politely said to her.

" De rien, Wilma, " the blue haired one greeted back. " Bonsoir, how's your duty? "

" I should be asking you that, " Wilma smirked.

" I dealt with a 16th hour brain surgery from a 48 year old male suffering from brain tumour. It's exhausting and went well. He's in the ICU. And you? "

" Checking at the in-patients in the cancer ward for the whole week. Amnon and I are planning to meet another patient who was at the police department in custody. Possibly, next week as I talked to him after he got to check with another patient in prison. "

" A prison visit? That's very brave of him to do that. Yet, I wonder if he had a chaperone or an assistant? " Doctor Esdeath Neige-Morteau curiously asked.

" I'm not sure he had one. He usually works by himself and sometimes he assists and collaborates with the other fellows, " Wilma said.

" How are your cousins doing? "

" Glenda is still under observation since she's approaching her labor within 24 hours. Emie will be born anytime until tomorrow. Then, Basil and Crispin will be discharged in two days. They have to see our niece first before leaving the hospital, " the oncologist answered after chewing her meal.

" Félicitations, vous êtes tante maintenant! Vous aurez une nièce à gâter! (Congratulations, you're an aunt now! You will be having niece to spoil!) " the blue haired surgeon cheered.

" J'attends vraiment d'avoir une petite fille de ma cousine et de ma belle-cousine! Je vais certainement voir ça par moi-même! (It's really expectant to have a little girl from my cousin and cousin-in-law! I will definitely see that for myself!) " Wilma grinned and replied in Franken. " Esi, perhaps you could help the new parents as well. "

" In raising a child? I think so, oui, " Esdeath mused and recalled her first five years of being a mother. " It's both rewarding and challenging. It would have been a lot easier if Fernand were still living. We would have managed our time in taking care of Annette. It's very hard to be a widowed single mother with a growing and studying child these days. I missed him so much. " The blue haired surgeon sadly sighed.

The platinum blonde oncologist held her fellow's hand and gave her a sincere smile, " My sincerest condolences. I know it's hard for you to raise Annette on your own and keep up with your career. The Great Lady and Her Hosts will be guiding you both as you will get through this. Who knows? You will see your daughter grow into such a fine and educated lady following your footsteps as a doctor or whatever she wants to be. Fernand would be so happy and proud of you both as you continued his legacy and cherished his memories. He is watching you two wherever he is. "

" Merci, Wilma, " she nodded and smiled back at her friend.

" Dè rien, Esi. " Wilma responded before chewing some salad. After ingesting the lettuce, she thought of something and broke her silence. " I'm just wondering if how could Amnon and Glenda could raise their daughter even they have assigned hospital duties. "

" I hope they have their own way to manage their time as parents and fellow physicians just like we did to Annette. The others may think it's very crucial to maintaining a career and bringing up a child these days, " Esdeath explained. " I'm sure they can find time to take responsibilities within the family and medical practice. "

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