Chapter 36

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[Doctor Montmartre's Outpatient Office: Monoceros Keep General Hospital Outpatient Area: 8:10 AM, 12th of Before Witching, Year 426]

A Darsani human-elf hybrid man in his late twenties with his dark spiky locks and with a fair complexion sat beside his full blooded human uncle who was in his late fifties and wearing a long white tunic. They waited in the outpatient queue since the physicians on duty were preparing themselves before meeting their assigned patients.

" Emir, doktorumla görüşmem ne kadar sürer? (Emir, how long is this going to take to see my doctor?) " his older relative asked with concern in Fao dialect.

" Amca, doktorun kim? (Uncle, who is your doctor?) " Emir responded.

" Doktor Severin. Seninkilerden naber? (It's Doctor Severin. How about yours?) "

" Benimki, Doktor Montmartre. Artık her an gelebilirler. (Mine, it's Doctor Montmartre. They'll be coming anytime now.) "

A cardiologist in his late fifties with jet black and greying hair held a file folder and called a patient's name, " Monsieur Shahan Sahin. "

" That would be me, Doktor Severin, Bonjour! " the older Darsani man replied and turned to his half-elven nephew. " Emir, işin bitince beni burada bekle.(Emir, just wait for me here once you're done.) "

" Elbette. (Sure.) "

Uncle Shahan had stood up from his seat and entered the cardiologist's office. Emir waited for his turn to meet the general practitioner and saw him who was a bespectacled, blonde moustached man. He was taller than him in a few inches. Like Doctor Severin, Doctor Montmartre was also holding a file folder and calling his first patient.

" Monsieur Emir Sahin. "

Emir rose from his seat, yet he was feeling a sudden discomfort from his right arm, especially the elbow. He managed to smile at his physician despite the pain.

" Bonjour, Doktor Montmartre. Thank you for calling me. "

" Bonjour, Monsieur Sahin. Please enter and have a seat, " the Akrovian-Foranean doctor smiled back and ushered him.

" Thank you, I mean, Merci. I'm just learning to speak a few phrases in Franken, " Emir politely spoke and sat down on a chair upon entering.

" It's nice to hear that from you. So, how can I help? "

" Doktor, I'm still having a sudden pain on my right arm, " the Darsani patient answered and felt too much discomfort.

" So, when did it occur? " Amnon asked.

" Just this morning, when I started stretching and exercising, I felt like a sudden tingling from my right elbow. "

" Rate it from one to ten, how painful is your right elbow? "

" Around five. "

" So, it's a moderate pain, " the general practitioner answered and wrote the patient's response on the medical abstract paper. " Have you experienced this pain before? "

" Not really. I've been very careful with my exercises and training for martial arts ever since when I was in Beirun. Then, I continued the same thing when I got myself into Odyssea Academy for four years. This is the first time that I have felt too painful. "

" How exactly were you moving when the injury occurred? " Amnon asked.

" More like I was raising my both arms upward with my staff and then I felt a tingling sensation on my right. But days before the pain started, I was helping my uncle and aunt's Darsani restaurant business which I have been carrying a load of food items and doing some manual labour. "

Convalescence of Doctor A.J. MontmartreWhere stories live. Discover now