Chapter 8

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[Clinique familiale et diagnostique Montmartre, Monoceros Keep: 7:35 AM, 21st of Umbral-Tide/Darktide, Year 426]

Sitting on the chairs in the lobby area, Father Mar-Vell Agapov finished reading the Ouranist scriptures and brought out his morning newspaper, focusing on the broadsheets. There were important events happening across the continent of Altirus as well as the other parts of Iliad. He intently read the planned Foranean senate elections for next year and thought of praying for the next wise leaders of the country.

Just beside him, there was a mother carrying a fifteen month old child which she was awaiting for a specialist for the toddler's scheduled vaccination from Dr. Montmartre. On his left, a blonde dwarven man with long locks also waited for urinalysis results which Dr. Rousseau had ordered him to do so. Mar-Vell focused reading on the news article and flipped another page.

" Father Mar-Vell Agapov, " the female scarlet haired elven nurse called his name.

The Akrovian Ouranist elf priest closed the pages of his newspaper and stood up from his seat, walking over to the other nurse-receptionist's station.

" Cela vient-il de ma radiographie? (Is this from my X-ray?) " he politely asked in Franken.

" Oui père. Vous devez attendre les conclusions du docteur Montmartre. (Yes, Father. You need to wait for Doctor Montmartre's findings.) " she replied and handed him a large and an elongated brown envelope, indicating his name: AGAPOV, MAR-VELL and containing a piece of dark rectangular film. The elf nurse-receptionist reminded, " Attendez juste qu'il arrive dans vingt minutes. (Just wait for him to arrive at twenty minutes.) "

" Je vais. Merci. (I will. Thank you.) "

The elf priest-prophet returned to his seat and held his X-ray envelope. He looked at his watch which it was around nineteen minutes before eight in the morning. He thought of returning to his newspaper reading, but it would be a hassle for him when his doctor would arrive. From a distance, he looked at the married couple Ethan and Rina who were being assisted by Annika the Leanan Sidhe nurse. They were waiting for their psychotherapist Dr. Lestrade.

" You seem to be very observant, eh, church man? " the long haired blonde dwarven man broke his silence and called the priest-prophet's attention.

" There's nothing to do, but waiting for the doctor to come, " Mar-Vell replied.

" Yeah..." the dwarven nodded in agreement and leaned his back on the chair. " I have a serious problem in my kidneys said Doc Rousseau. I have been experiencing some constant lower backache and blood in the pee, you know? "

" That seems to be a very serious condition. "

" Right. I need to find out what's going on me insides. How about you? "

" A sprained left wrist, " the elf priest-prophet showed his clerical bandages on his left forearm. " I got it from painting on the church wall two days ago and twisted my left hand by accident while applying a second coat of paint. "

" That might be bad for you, " the dwarven man replied. " Me, I own a barber shop somewhere in this city. Cutting hair, shaving, and grooming to make men more handsome and presentable. Then, I get scoop from my customers and gain information. Sometimes, I spill the beans and open a can of worms in detail. Wanna hear some rumors and stories from me? I can tell you everything just in one sitting. "

Mar-Vell cocked his eyebrows in doubt and crossed his arms, " I think I shall pass, my friend. I'd rather not listen to any hear-says and barber's tales for now. "

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