Chapter 45: Part 2 Pre Candlemas Gathering and Free of Curse

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[Montmartre Residence: 23rd of Before Witching, 426 6:56 PM]

Dr. Amnon Montmartre and his siblings have arrived from work along with Marie who had been finishing her thesis at the university. Glenda opened the door and carried little Emie who was smiling at her father, two uncles, and aunt. Her father gently pecked her mother's lips and also her forehead. Ivo, Pierre, and Marie also greeted their sister-in-law and made their little niece chuckle by tickling her feet. Emie loudly laughed and happily cooed at them in response.

" Guys, be careful! She might have a tummy ache afterwards, "  the blonde Elandric-Foranean pediatrician and mother warned. " She had dinner from me an hour ago. "

Emie kept 'talking' at her uncles and aunt including her father.

“ How’s the preparation for Candlemas going? ” Ivo asked Glenda.

" Oh, Ilyana just bought a new candlestick holder at the store. Have you brought the candles? " she asked.

" We have been to the grocery store to buy food, Babe, " Amnon answered. " The candles are ready. "

" We're expecting some members of the Montmartre family very soon, right? " Marie asked.

" Oui, pretty much. They want to see Emie as well, " Pierre nodded, inhibiting his anxiousness for his girlfriend.

" Privyet! " Karola walked over and saw her children, happily greeting them. " How's your day? I have been hoping for all you to come, Da? "

Ilyana and Monika aided the elderly woman when she hugged her four children as Glenda and Emie watched them. Blokk smiled them in greeting as he stood beside his younger cousin and her carers.

" I would like one of you to prepare a simple dedication for all of us, " the elderly blonde Akrovian lady spoke to everyone. " I'm so very pleased that we are all united despite the trouble happening around. "

Ja, me too. ” Ivo smiled at his mother.

" Ma, I don't think I can do that for now, " Pierre sadly spoke and sighed. " I'll pass. I promise if I'll do my dedication next year. "

" What's wrong Piershka? " Karola asked him with concern.

" Ma, he just lost his girlfriend, Nirvana..." Marie looked at her other brother who appeared very sullen.

" I'm sorry to hear that, Piershka. I know she can be found and united with you. "

" Merci, Ma. " the Foranean Army Captain nodded.

" I think both Big Bro Ivo and Amnon will need have their dedication for all of us, " Marie suggested and looked at her two older brothers who were shyly looking at each other.

" That could be a good idea, Marie, " Glenda nodded in agreement while carrying her daughter. " It will be our first time to have two men in our family to lead the Candlemas prayer and dedication since Papa Meir usually did that every year when he was living. "

“ We won’t let you down, Ma, ” Ivo answered.

" Da, " Amnon nodded.

Trying not to ruin everyone's mood, the elderly Akrovian man managed to smiled and inhibited his sudden chest pain which he was suffering. He didn't want it to disclose to anyone. Amnon noticed his uncle and reminded his days in Odyssea when he was faking and lying to his old friends about Damocles. This time, he grew concerned with his uncle since he was sleep walking last night.

" It might be better if you take turns, " Blokk suggested.

" You might forgot the Ouranist menorrah, " Ilyana replied and held the new candlelabra. " It needs to be set. "

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