Chapter 27

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[l'Empereur, Place Loggen, Monoceros Keep, Foranea: 11:31 PM, 3rd of Before Witching, Year 426]

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[l'Empereur, Place Loggen, Monoceros Keep, Foranea: 11:31 PM, 3rd of Before Witching, Year 426]

The rest of the people within the establishment didn't know what to do since there was already a hostage taker who obviously wanted to stir-up and cause an attention, but they didn't realise there were more men dressed in black coats and fedora hats arrived. They were also pointing their guns at the customers and the staff. The bar-owner was crying and becoming too terrified. He felt the pistol was touching on the side of his head. Then, he saw the other people were also being threatened. Far off from the distance, the sensitive hearing of an elf picked up on the distress.

" The gunmen are holding in hostages..." Valeera whispered.

" It must be dangerous, " Celine sighed anxiously and asked her husband and niece. " But where's the Blue Knight? "

" He'll catch up eventually. By then, the situation will be settled, " Christopher replied.

" I hope so..."

Suddenly, there was a ground shaking causing a small faultline on the street. For Christopher, Celine, and Valeera, they found the earth elemental spell very familiar as they clearly could remember who had mastered it.

" Father?! " Valeera muttered in shock. " Was he coming back as a ghost? "

Christopher turned around to find the source, and pondered.

" Can't be possible..." he said in confusion.

An orange-haired Chergarian man in a jumpsuit and blue long-sleeves stood up and held Kintor's earth elemental spell book. He was wearing a pair of brown goggles and grey gloves.

" Bonsoir, mes amis! " he chuckled. " Do you think a ghost can cause a tremendous ground shaking, ja oder nein? "

Valeera was stunned to see him and turning to her uncle and aunt. She thought she had some explaining to do with them.

" That book is familiar. How'd you acquire it, Ivo? "  Christopher instantly asked.

" Uncle, I accidentally gave it to Amnon! " Valeera nervously grinned and laughed. " But I think he has found the right one who could continue my late father's earthstriking! "

" Oh..." Celine mused and smiled. " That's good news! "

" Ja, meine freunde, I am maman Arielle Montmartre's living  descendant as I found my true calling to continue her legacy as well as Herr Kintor Graveheart's unfinished business, " Ivo seriously explained. " I have to do this on their behalf and fulfill what they were supposed to do in the present time. Then, I will enhance and apply it for my love of study in geology and engineering and my work as a blacksmith and a mechanic. "

" I see. Good choice for this elemental spell. His unfinished business was always eradicating the menace of Goblins which might be apparent in his book, " Christopher affirmed.

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